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That cream got rid of my skin rash.那种药膏治好了我身上的皮疹。Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.最终这世界会清醒过来,将它们全部丢弃。He got rid of the visitors, bag and baggage. 他把那些来访者连人带东西一股脑儿给赶走了I've taken all kinds of dope to try and get rid of this cold.为了治愈这次感冒我服用了各种各样的药。Get rid of all cigarettes and other paraphernalia associated with smoking.扔掉所有的香烟、烟灰缸以及与吸烟有关的其他物品。They seem to be trying to get rid of all left-wing elements in the party.他们似乎想清除党内所有的左翼分子。Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.制造堆肥是处理菜根菜叶、败花朽木和有机废物的理想方式。No amount of cleaning will get rid of all this dirt.再怎么清洁也去不掉所有污垢。The fungus is extremely difficult to get rid of.真菌极难杀灭。The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.母亲要她的小儿子改掉吃饭时吃吃玩玩的坏习惯。It fell to me to get rid of them.由我来负责摆脱他们。I'm exercising to get rid of this bulge around my middle.我正在锻炼,想把腰上的赘肉去掉。We had the carpet cleaned, but we couldn't get rid of the musty smell.我们把地毯洗了,但还是除不掉那股霉味。Getting rid of him will be a piece of cake.摆脱他是小事一桩。We need to get rid of all that shit in the basement.我们得把地下室的垃圾全部清理出去。We hired an exterminator to get rid of the termites.我们请了专业灭蚁人员来消灭白蚁。We were glad to be rid of our overcoats.我们把外套脱了浑身一轻松。We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.我们不得不冲洗车库,以除去汽油味。Some shampoos help to get rid of scurf.有些洗发剂有助于去除头皮屑。It can be difficult for schools to get rid of poor teachers.解聘不称职的老师对学校来说会很难。We've got rid of the old computer system, and good riddance is what I say.我们已经卸掉了旧的计算机系统,我得说谢天谢地,可算是去掉了大包袱。He thought he'd never be rid of her.他以为永远摆脱不了她。Massage can get rid of the knots in your neck.按摩能够消除你脖子上的肿块。I think it's time we got rid of all these old toys.我想现在是我们扔掉所有这些旧玩具的时候了。We finally got rid of all that old junk we had stored in the basement.我们终于把放在地下室里的所有旧垃圾都扔掉了。I would be glad to get rid of them myself. But that is not our concern.如果能亲自动手摆脱他们我会非常高兴,但那不是我们的分内之事。You'll never quite get rid of every last bit of grit.无法把所有的沙砾都清除干净。I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.我不喜欢批改那些卷子,所以我很高兴能免去这一麻烦。She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision.她一个个地除掉了她的迫害对象,手法冷酷,计划精到。They had trumped the whole thing up to get rid of him.为了除掉他,他们捏造了所有罪证。Many local people were very eager to get rid of the last traces of their town's shameful past.当地有许多人都急于抹去小镇最后这些可耻的历史痕迹。I thought I'd never be rid of that cold. 我觉得我那场感冒会永远治不好。Come and let's get rid of some filthy lucre.让我们来花掉点钱吧。The old machine is no use; I'll be glad to get rid of it.这台旧机器已毫无用处,我乐于把它处理掉。One of the girls was clinging to me all night at the disco. I just couldn't get rid of her.有一个女孩在迪斯科舞会上整晚都缠着我,我怎么也摆脱不了她。I have a strong feeling that she wants to get rid of me.我有一种强烈的感觉她想摆脱我。The company had actively circulated petitions to get rid of the union.该公司曾积极散发取消工会的请愿书。The trustees of the University are considering getting rid of him.大学理事会的成员在考虑罢免他。Get rid of that stuff in the garage.把车库里那些没有用的东西处理掉。It's time we got rid of all these old toys.我们该把这些旧玩具全部丢掉了。 |