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词汇 Richard
例句 The letter, if we take it at face value, suggests that Richard is quite happy in his job.若只看表面,这封信是说理查德对自己的工作很满意。I'm going to meet Richard's parents for the first time this weekend.我这个周末将第一次见理查德的父母。Richard turned over onto his back and began to snore.理查德翻过身来仰面躺着,开始打起鼾来。This, in a nutshell, is what Richard Chaplin appears to have done.简言之,这好像就是理查德·查普林所做的一切。I'd like to be friends again, but Richard doesn't look at it that way.我愿意重归于好,可是理查德不这么想。Richard is turning green from the ship's violent motions.船的剧烈摇晃使理查德开始脸色发青。Richard has a comfortable income from his salary and his investments.理查德的薪水和投资加在一起,收入很可观。It was Yuko who said that, not Richard.说那话的是裕子,不是理查德。You can email Richard in Sydney.你可以发电子邮件到悉尼给理查德。Richard had laid aside his book to watch what was happening.理查德放下书,去看看发生了什么事情。It was natural for Richard, as elder son, to assume responsibility for the family.作为长子,理查德自然担起了家庭的责任。Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling.理查德又点了一支烟,朝着天花板吐着烟雾。Richard spends money like there's no tomorrow! Where does he get it all from?理查德花起钱来不考虑将来!他哪里来那么多钱?Richard's finally put in for his driving test.理查德终于申请了驾照考试。Richard is going to narrate in the new radio play.理查将在这个新的广播剧中担任旁白。Henry and Richard both ruled with a heavy hand.亨利和理查都用高压手段实行统治。Cliff Richard is a born-again Christian.克利夫·理查德是一个基督教再生教徒。Veteran diplomat Richard Murphy is heading the commission.资深外交官理查德·墨菲正领导着这个委员会。By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.幸运的是,罗伯特碰巧遇到了理查德和朱莉娅,发现原来他们也碰到了类似的问题。While King Richard was abroad, the barons had been intriguing against him.理查王在国外时,贵族们一直在密谋反对他。Richard landed him a blow on the left eye.理查在他左眼上打了一拳。In real life men like Richard Gere don't marry street girls.在现实生活中,像李察·基尔那样的男人是不会娶一个风尘女子的。Tell Richard I'm going to kill him when I get hold of him.告诉理查德,一旦抓住他,我要杀了他。This dish was created by our chef Jean Richard.这道菜是我们的厨师琼·理查德创制的。Richard and Laura exchanged conspiratorial glances, for all the world like two naughty children who had wandered away from home.理查德和劳拉交换了一下会意的眼神,就像两个离家出走的顽皮孩子。Richard is taller than any of us.理察比我们当中任何人都高。At last, Richard's found himself a girlfriend - hallelujah!理查德终于找到了女朋友——真是感谢上帝!Richard and Penny had made no great secret of their romance, even though they were both married.理查德和彭妮没有隐瞒他俩的罗曼史,尽管他们都是有配偶的。Richard filled her glass right up to the brim.理查德将她的杯子斟得满满的。Richard's attitude completely stymied her.理查德的态度彻底打消了她的念头。The concert will be introduced by Richard Baker, who will describe the music we are going to hear.这场音乐会将由理查德·贝克作开场白,对我们要听到的曲子作讲解。If you need more money you should talk with Richard.如果你要更多钱,你该去和理查德说说。Richard studied engineering at MIT.理查德在麻省理工学院攻读工程学。Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。Richard Dorrington was, in their eyes, a very sensible and reliable man.在他们眼中,理查德·多林顿是个非常可靠的明白人。Richard is a really hefty bloke.理查德真是个又高又壮的家伙。Richard's statement was disgracefully obscure.理查德的声明含糊不清,真丢脸。Richard was a veteran of many battles.理查是个身经百战的老兵。Richard had lost most of his personal property in the fire.理查德在火灾中损失了大部分个人财产。Richard often used to invite me back for coffee after the show.理查德过去常常在看完演出后,请我到他家里喝咖啡。




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