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词汇 revolver
例句 The police asked the arrested man how the revolver had come into his possession.警方诘问被捕者那支左轮手枪是如何到他手里的。He shot himself with a revolver.他用一把左轮手枪自杀了。His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.他手没劲儿,扣不动左轮手枪扳机。She pulled out her service revolver and chambered a round.她拔出佩枪,上了发子弹。City police said the man was armed with a revolver.市警方称那名男子携带了一支左轮手枪。She fired a revolver at her attacker.她用左轮手枪向袭击她的人射击。The scarf concealed a revolver.围巾里藏着一把左轮手枪。Andy levelled the revolver at me menacingly.安迪恶狠狠地将左轮手枪对准了我。The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他。He had only a few rounds of ammunition for the revolver.他的左轮手枪只剩下几发子弹。The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威胁出纳员。As soon as he turned his back, I made a grab for the revolver.趁着他一转身的机会,我赶紧去抓手枪。He emptied his revolver into Foster's head.他把左轮手枪的全部子弹都射进福斯特的脑袋。He considered it prudent to carry a revolver.他认为携带一支左轮手枪是明智的。




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