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词汇 revolutionized
例句 The substance, discovered by accident, has revolutionized medicine.这一偶然发现的物质使医学实现了突破性进展。The discovery of penicillin revolutionized Western medicine.青霉素的发现使西方医学起了革命性的变化。Email has revolutionized the way we all think and work.电子邮件使我们大家的思考和工作方式发生彻底变革。Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.牛顿的发现使物理学发生了革命性剧变。Our lives have been revolutionized by the arrival of the personal computer.我们的生活由于个人电脑的面世而发生了革命性的变化。The invention of the computer has revolutionized the business world.计算机的发明使商界发生了根本变化。His work revolutionized the treatment of this disease.他的研究成果给这种疾病的治疗带来了革命。The invention of the airplane revolutionized travel.飞机的发明使旅行发生了彻底改变。Computers have revolutionized the way we work.电脑彻底改变了我们的工作方式。Automation has revolutionized industry.自动化使工业发生了彻底变革。This important discovery has revolutionized our understanding of the universe.这个重大发现使我们对宇宙的认识发生了根本变化。Bar codes have revolutionized the way retail chains manage their suppliers.条形码彻底改变了零售连锁店对供应商的管理方式。Tractors have revolutionized farming.拖拉机已使农业产生革命性变革。This discovery has revolutionized our understanding of how the human brain works.这个发现彻底改变了我们对人类大脑作用的认识。Niemeyer was one of the young intellectuals who revolutionized Brazilian society by ushering in new styles of music, art, and cinema.尼迈耶是那一批年轻的知识分子之一,他们通过创立新兴风格的音乐、艺术和电影而给巴西社会带来了一场革命。Freud's ideas revolutionized our understanding of the mind.弗洛伊德的观点彻底改变了人们对心智的理解。




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