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词汇 revolted
例句 He was revolted by what they had done.他们的所作所为让他非常反感。The people revolted against their ruler.人民起来反叛统治者。The violence in the movie revolted me.电影中的暴力使我反感。He was revolted by the stench of the stockyards.牲口围栏中发出的恶臭让他作呕。What revolted him most was such meanness.最使他反感的是这种卑劣行径。He kissed her full on the lips in a way that revolted her.他堵着她的嘴唇吻她,让她很恶心。The people revolted against the dictator.人民造独裁者的反。The smell of decay revolted her.腐败的气味让她非常恶心。He revolted against religious traditions.他抵制宗教传统。News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.消息传到首都,说南方有两支卫戍部队发生反政府叛乱。When Napoleon won control of the region and attached it to Bavaria, the Tiroleans revolted.当拿破仑控制了该地区并将其归属于巴伐利亚后,蒂罗尔人就造反了。I feel more revolted at his acting than at the violence in the movie.我对他的演技的反感更胜于对影片中的暴力内容。All the violence revolted me.所有那些暴力场面使我震惊。The peasants revolted against the king.农民起义反对国王。He was revolted by the smell.那个味道让他恶心。I opened the door and was instantly revolted by the smell.我打开门,一下子就被这气味熏得很恶心。They revolted against the government.他们奋起反抗政府。He was revolted by what he saw.他看到的事使他厌恶。




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