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词汇 revenues
例句 Their reputation has improved, bringing a corresponding increase in revenues.他们的信誉有了改善,收益也相应增长。The loss was partially offset by increases in revenues elsewhere.其他地方收益的增加部分地抵消了这一损失。Government revenues fell dramatically.政府财政收入大幅下降。The subscriber growth was strong, but it was offset by higher churn and lower revenues per user.订阅者数量增长强劲,但却因为订户流失率变高、人均收益降低而抵消掉了。Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues.通过卫星发射的信号覆盖全世界,从而产生了大量的观众并在全球范围内赚取不菲的广告费。Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion.人们推断成本与收益呈线性关系。The recession is eating away at their revenues.经济衰退正在消耗他们的财政收入。Most of their oil revenues are used to finance imports of consumer goods.他们的石油收益大都用于进口生活消费品。Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal.埃及在苏伊士运河上的收益上受了损。Tax revenues increased last year.去年税收增加了。Their government's revenues come mainly from direct taxes.他们的政府收入主要来自直接税收。Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more government debt.经济收缩意味着税收的减少和政府债务的增加。The state was expecting an increase in tax revenues, but that was before the economy tanked.政府预期税收会有所增加,但那是在经济下跌之前。Tourism is secondary to oil revenues as a source of income.作为收入来源,旅游业仅次于石油收益。The Board of Directors was concerned at the drop in the company's revenues.董事会对公司总收入的减少甚为关注。Managers saw a commensurate fall in their revenues.经理们发现其收入也相应地有所下降。Outgoings and revenues balanced out.支出和收入相抵了。Monasteries were occasionally despoiled of their land and revenues.修道院有时被剥夺土地和收益。




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