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词汇 returned
例句 The shopkeeper is unlikely to prosecute if the stolen goods are returned.如果被盗货品被归还,店主就不大可能提出起诉。She returned to her desk and lost herself in her work.她回到书桌旁埋头工作。Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder.亨利的部队满载战利品而归。She returned from the hospital skeletal.她从医院里回来,骨瘦如柴。He was attracted to the girl, who returned his affection.他对那位姑娘产生了好感,后者报之以同样的感情。She returned home to Birmingham.她回到伯明翰的家。After a long parenthesis, she returned to the matter in hand.插了很长一段话后,她重新做手头的事。His headache returned instantly.他很快头痛复发了。She returned from the library with an armful of books.她抱了一堆书从图书馆回来。He returned her serve.他将她的发球击回。He returned to college after a lapse of several years.相隔数年之后,他又重回大学。The jury found the defendant guilty/innocent. = The jury returned a verdict of guilty/innocent.陪审团裁定被告有罪/无罪。Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.仅有几个人回到临近地区工作。Her symptoms returned periodically.她的症状时不时地出现。She returned to her hometown to stay after college.大学毕业后,她返回了家乡。The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.陪审团宣布了非法致死的裁决。He returned to the family home.他回到自己家里。We returned to our ancestral home after many years.多年以后我们回到了祖居。She was returned as prime minister.她被选为首相。The planes have all returned to base.飞机全部返回了基地。She returned the money to him for conscience' sake.为了良心上过得去,她把钱还给了他。His fame guarantees that his calls will nearly always be returned.他的名望确保了他的吁求几乎总能得到回应。David Bowie returned to the concert stage last week.上个星期戴维・鲍伊重返音乐会的舞台。The brother and sister returned to their respective bedrooms.兄妹俩回到了各自的卧室。After her recent successes in Tokyo and New York, Bjork has returned to perform in England.比约克近期在东京和纽约取得成功之后,又回到了英格兰演出。She returned the gun to its holster. 她把枪放回枪套。The centre-forward has returned to fitness.这位中锋已经恢复了健康。I returned home to the UK and have since worked as a solicitor.我回到英国的家乡,从此就一直当初级律师。There was much rejoicing when the soldiers returned home.士兵们返回家园时,大家都欣喜若狂。The actors have entertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.这周末演员们给我们带来了精彩的演出,我觉得我们该回请他们了。The letter was returned because it had been addressed incorrectly.由于地址不对,信件被退回了。The book should be returned no later than next Friday.书必须在下周五之前归还。He returned to football not as a player but as a coach.他重回球场时已经不是球员而是教练了。When we returned to the hotel we found the place strangely silent.我们回到旅馆时发现那地方寂静得有些异常。He returned the receiver to its cradle and leaned back with a satisfied purr.他挂上电话,向后一仰,吐出满意的嗬嗬声。He returned to Merseyside after a successful tour with Johnny Gentle.他和约翰尼·金特尔一起举行了一次成功的巡回演出之后,回到了默西塞德。She returned home to find her house ransacked.她回到家时发现自己的房子遭到了洗劫。Johnson carefully returned the document to its hiding place.约翰逊小心翼翼地把文件放回原来藏着的地方。The jury returned a formal verdict after direction by the judge.陪审团得到法官的指示后宣告了正式的裁决。He left the Government and returned to private law practice.他离开政界,重新开业做律师。




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