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词汇 retiring
例句 It's bound to get out that he's retiring soon.他即将退休的消息肯定会传出去的。People retiring today are wealthier than the previous generation.现在退休的人比上一代人富裕。The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be in my book, is retiring.这位迄今为止最杰出的,在我看来,也是后人无法超越的经理,就要退休了。Now that he is past 60, he's thinking about retiring.由于年过六十,他正打算退休。The company is retiring people at the top end and getting young people in at the bottom.公司正在上层裁员,而在底层招收年轻员工。Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring.利里说他没后悔退休。Most major industries are not replacing retiring workers.大多数主要工业部门不准备找人替补那些即将退休的工人。Mary Ellen always had to set the fire for the next morning before retiring to bed.玛丽·埃伦总是得先把第二天早上使用的炉火预备好,然后才上床睡觉。Since retiring Martha has been doing voluntary work for the Red Cross.玛莎自从退休以后就为红十字会做志愿工作。Hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky played for L.A. before retiring.冰球超级明星韦恩·格雷茨基退役前在洛杉矶队打球。She was a shy and retiring person off-stage.她在现实生活中是个腼腆而且不善社交的人。As a child, Elizabeth was very shy and retiring.伊丽莎白小时候非常腼腆怕生。After retiring, we'll do some travelling.退休后我们要出去走走。He is a naturally shy, retiring man.他天生腼腆,不爱交际。He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there.他买下那所乡间小屋以备退休后住在那里。More and more people are retiring early.提早退休的人越来越多。The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be, in my book, is retiring.这位迄今为止最杰出的、在我看来也是后人无法超越的经理,就要退休了。My doctor's retiring and they're looking for a new practitioner.我的医生要退休了,他们正在寻找一位新的医师。Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退下来。Increasingly, people are retiring younger.越来越多的人开始较早地退休。The retiring employee was given a watch as a testimonial for his years of service.那位退休雇员被赠与一块表,作为他多年工作的纪念。He was the most retiring man in the world.他是世界上最不爱交际的人。He is retiring and passing the torch on to his successor.他要退休了,要把工作移交给他的继任者。She was picked to replace the retiring CEO.她被选为即将退休的首席执行官的接替者。The retiring editor received a special salute from the local newspaper.那位即将退休的编辑获得了这家地方报社的特别致敬。He decided to go to bed, although it was much earlier than his usual retiring time.他决定上床了,虽然这时离他通常的就寝时间还早得多。I'm retiring next month.我下个月就退休了。She's retiring soon, and it'll be sad for all of us to see her go.她即将退休,看到她要离开我们都很难过。She's retiring, and it won't be easy to find someone who can step into her shoes. 她就要退休了,但是很难找到能顶替她的人。The Navy is retiring the old battleship.海军将淘汰这艘旧战舰。She was a shy, retiring girl.她是一个怕羞腼腆的女孩子。The election will fill the congressional seat vacated by the retiring senator.这次选举将填补即将退休的那名参议员空出的国会席位。I reckon he'll soon be retiring.我看他就要退休了。The team is retiring his jersey number in honor of his great career.为纪念他辉煌的运动生涯,球队停用了他的球衣号码。The idea of retiring early really appeals to me.提前退休这个想法,我很感兴趣。He said he had no regrets about retiring.他说他不后悔退休。I'm retiring next month. They're putting me out to pasture.下个月我就退休了。他们就要辞退我了。We bought the house with a view to retiring there.我们买下那幢房子,准备退休以后去那里住。The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it.多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。He says that retiring is the furthest thing from his mind. 他说自己根本没有想过要退休。




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