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例句 His failure resulted in part from his laziness.他的失败部分系懒惰所致。All our work came to nothing. = All our work resulted in nothing.我们所做的一切都白费了。The case resulted/ended in an acquittal of the defendant.此案最终宣判被告无罪。Their negligence set up a chain reaction that resulted in extensive damage.他们的疏忽引发了连锁反应,最终造成了重大的破坏。The recent panic over/about unsafe drinking water resulted in a shortage of bottled water in the stores.近期饮用水不安全引起的惶恐导致商店瓶装水短缺。The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally.古巴革命导致华盛顿重新评估对第三世界的一般政策。Months of secret talks with the rebels finally resulted in the release of the hostages.与叛乱者数月的秘密会谈终于使人质获释。Removal of the natural vegetation has resulted in a loss of nutrients in the soil.破坏天然植被造成了土壤养分的流失。The reduction of the speed limit resulted in fewer traffic accidents.车速限制的降低使交通事故减少。Government policies have resulted in higher inflation and financial instability.政府制定的政策导致了通货膨胀的加剧和财政状况的不稳定。The charges could have potentially resulted in a death sentence.这些指控本来可能会导致判处死刑。Several engine refinements have resulted in increased efficiency.对发动机进行的数次改进提高了效率。The brutal attack resulted in the man's death.粗暴的殴打导致这个人死亡。The changes inevitably resulted in criticism.这些改变无可避免地引起了批评。His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruin upon himself.他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。The accident resulted in ten deaths.这次事故造成十人死亡。The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.此言论已引发激烈的争议。The war resulted in a massive increase in government spending.战争使政府开支大大增加。The scandal resulted in the director's removal. 这则丑闻最终导致主管被免职。The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract.争议是由合同中模棱两可的词句引起的。His laziness resulted in his failure.他的懒惰导致他的失败。Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.由于租金大幅提高而产生了不满。He made an opportunistic grab for power, which resulted in a civil war.他抓住一个机会夺了权,导致了内战爆发。They followed a bum steer which resulted in their near bankruptcy.他们接受了错误的引导,结果差点破产。The trial resulted in an acquittal.审判的结果是无罪释放。Heavy rains resulted in the saturation of the soil.大雨使土壤湿透了。It is thought that the train crash resulted from a fault on the line.有人认为这次火车撞车事故是铁路有问题所造成的。Popular discontent resulted in the government's defeat.民众的不满导致政府的挫败。His illness resulted from bad food.他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。Fighting between rival gangs resulted in the death of a teenage boy.两伙敌对的流氓打群架,造成一名少年死亡。A rupture in the pipeline resulted in major water damage.水管爆裂造成严重水渍。The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。Their dispute resulted in war.他们的争端导致了战争。Government subsidies have resulted in huge grain surpluses.政府津贴造成了大量的谷物剩余。The fire resulted in damage to their property.他们的财产因火灾蒙受了损失。Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, and chaos resulted.老师们对考试制度的重大变化没有做好充分准备,因此出现了混乱的局面。A careless error resulted in the loss of the game.一个粗心的失误导致了整场比赛的失败。A hitch resulted in the deal being kicked firmly into touch.一个暂时的困难使得这笔交易彻底中止了。Treacherous underfooting resulted in scores of injuries.因为立足点不坚实结果弄得遍体鳞伤。News about toxic leaks from old landfills has resulted in the NIMBY syndrome. 旧填埋场有害物质泄漏的消息导致人们产生了邻避综合征。




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