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词汇 result
例句 The end result is a great album.最终结果是出了一张很棒的专辑。Their friendship was the result of a chance meeting.他们的友谊是一次邂逅带来的。We ran the test again to verify the result.为了核实结果,我们再次进行了测试。This will result in prosecution.这将被提起公诉。The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.这种疾病可导致视网膜损伤甚至失明。Many illnesses in these temporary refugee camps are the result of inadequate sanitation.这些临时难民营中许多疾病都源于排污设施不完善。His bankruptcy was the result of several reckless business ventures.他的破产是由几次鲁莽的商业冒险活动所致。The decision to close the hospital is a direct result of Government health policy.关闭这所医院的决定是政府保健政策导致的直接后果。These problems are a direct result of poor planning. 这些问题是计划不周造成的直接后果。Failing to comply with an order will result in the loss of your job.不服从命令你就会丢饭碗。The killing was the result of a long-standing vendetta over gambling profits.这次杀人事件是由于在赌场利润问题上长期积怨而导致的。The president said that all future violations of our airspace would result in serious consequences.总统表示,以后任何侵犯我国领空的行为都将导致严重后果。Thousands of political prisoners remain imprisoned, frequently as a result of unfair trials.经常由于不公正的审判,成千上万名政治犯一直被关在监狱里。The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.结果显示舆论出现一定程度的右倾。The result of the poll won't be known until around midnight.选举结果要到午夜左右才能知道。She had a patchy education, the result of changing schools so often.她接受的教育是东拼西凑的,这是她频繁转学的结果。They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。Last night's result was hugely disappointing.昨晚的结果太让人失望了。These exercises will result in your being able to hit the ball quite acceptably.这些训练将会使你能够较好地击中球。We believe that widespread implementation of this approach will result in improvements.我们相信这一方法的广泛使用将会带来诸多改进。The result depends on mere hazard.结果如何全碰运气。And did your intervention produce the desired result?你的干预得到满意的结果了吗?Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.婚姻常因为配偶双方的缺点而破裂。Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.等待医疗检查的结果简直就是一种折磨。A lot depends on the result of this match.许多事情都要取决于这场比赛的结果。Most people now accept that global warming could result in an environmental catastrophe.现在大多数人都接受了全球变暖可能会导致环境灾难的说法。The net result of the changes will be increased fares and reduced services.这些变化的最终结果将是费用增加而服务下降。When all is said and done, it was a much better result than they could ever have expected.说到底,这个结果比他们预期的可好太多了。She received an income for life as a result of her father's will.她因为父亲的遗嘱获得了一份终生收入。Failure to stick to the safety rules could result in disaster.不遵守这些安全规则可能会酿成灾难。Inflation has remained low, partly as a result of cheaper imports.通货膨胀率保持低水平,部分原因是进口产品价格较低。As yet it is not known whether the crash was the result of an accident.目前尚不清楚撞车是否是由事故引起的。I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it.我对结果完全没兴趣,甚至都懒得看一眼。Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.严重的肺部感染可能会引起肺炎。The net result of all these changes is that schools should be able to deliver a better service to pupils.所有这些改革的最终结果就是学校应该能给学生提供更好的服务。The result was yet another grim body count.其结果是又一个可怕的死亡人数统计。We are still hopeful that further talks will result in a consensus.我们仍然希望进一步的会谈能达成一致。The big population increase in the US was partly the result of immigration.美国人口的大幅度增长一部分是移民的结果。Failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion.不遵守俱乐部规定者可能会被开除会籍。This election result could well lead to further bloodshed.这个选举结果很可能会导致更多的流血冲突。




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