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词汇 responsibilities
例句 You are in the fortunate position of having no responsibilities.你很幸运,不用担担子。He tried to hide from his responsibilities. 他设法逃避责任。He had finally been freed of his responsibilities.他终于摆脱了责任。I can't be saddled with any more responsibilities.我再也不能承担更多的责任了。We must awake to our responsibilities.我们一定要认识到自己的职责。He did not neglect his paternal responsibilities after the divorce.离婚后他没有忽视自己做父亲的责任。He is torn between his career and his responsibilities as a father.在事业和作为一个父亲的责任之间,他难以抉择。His responsibilities as associate provost will include faculty recruitment.作为大学里的副院长,他的职责中包括招聘教职工。Some people feel totally inadequate when faced with new responsibilities.有些人在面对新职责时觉得完全力不从心。I awakened him to his responsibilities for his children.我使他认识到,他应对他的孩子们承担起责任。Don't take on any more responsibilities.别再承担更多的责任了。You can't just run away from your responsibilities.你不能逃避责任。One of her responsibilities is recruiting highly trained personnel.她的职责之一是招聘训练有素的职员。She longed to be freed of her responsibilities.她渴望能卸下肩上的责任。The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents.新任务使他潜在的才智充分发挥出来了。He vowed to faithfully discharge the duties/responsibilities of his office.他发誓要忠实履行岗位职责。I don't have time to take on any new responsibilities right now.我现在没有时间接手任何新的任务。What are the main responsibilities in your job?你主要的工作职责是什么?She was matronized by her children and her responsibilities.作为孩子的母亲,又肩负着各种责任,她扮演起家庭主妇的角色。She has to deal with a lot of family and work responsibilities.她必须得应对很多家庭和工作上的职责。There may be problems if responsibilities are not adequately defined.如果责任没有充分界定,就可能出现问题。The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities.危险在于抗命不遵的地方当局将拒绝履行他们的职责。This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.这样会使上级不敢对你委以重任。It's about time you faced up to your responsibilities as a parent.现在是你勇敢负起为人父母之责的时候了。He has a clear idea of his responsibilities. 他清楚自己的责任。His new job, which paid less and had fewer responsibilities, felt like a step backward.他的新工作薪酬低管事少,感觉像是倒退了一步。The Principal accused parents of not facing up to their responsibilities.校长指责家长们不敢面对自己的责任。We are taking over responsibilities which belong with the government.我们正在把属于政府职责范围之内的事接管过来。He has copped out of his responsibilities.他逃避了应负的责任。Her responsibilities include project management and audits.他的职责包括项目管理和审计。It can be hard to juggle family responsibilities and/with the demands of a full-time job.既满足全职工作的要求,又承担好家庭的职责是很难的。There are a lot of responsibilities that go with starting your own business.自己创业要承担很多责任。Your responsibilities will be mainly administrative.你的职责主要是在行政方面。I have a bad habit of taking on more responsibilities than I can handle.我有个坏习惯,就是喜欢承担超出自己能力的责任。They thrust extra responsibilities on her.他们逼迫她接受额外的职责。These ministers have failed abjectly in their responsibilities.这些部长们完全没有尽到责任。The responsibilities of government are many, and they are varied.政府的职责有许多,而且是各种各样的。She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood.她可能觉得没有准备好承担为人父母的责任。Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。Don't take on more responsibilities than you can handle.不要承担过多的责任。




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