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词汇 resort to
例句 His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.异常紧张的工作安排使他开始吸毒。Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.兽医不得已只好弄死这些动物。The police hope to end the standoff without resort to force. 警方希望不使用武力就能结束僵持局面。He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.他力劝人们不要以暴制暴。Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.国会有责任确保只有在所有和平手段都不奏效的情况下才会诉诸战争。He could explain the universe without resort to gods or demons.无需借助神或魔鬼,他就能解释宇宙。The ship's crew eventually resorted to eating rats and even sawdust to stay alive.船员们最后不得不靠吃老鼠乃至锯木屑活命。He had to resort to asking his parents for money.他只能伸手向父母要钱了。You must never resort to violence.你决不能诉诸暴力。When his wife left him, he resorted to drink.妻子离去后,他借酒消愁。She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.她无论如何不会上法庭解决婚姻问题。Newspapers resorted to personal abuse.报纸采取了人身攻击和谩骂的手段。The group has resorted to terror to try to get what it wants.该团伙诉诸恐怖手段以求达到目的。She resorted to stealing food out of desperation.她走投无路,只好偷点吃的。Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.由于缺乏系统的政策,共和党只得依靠标语口号和空洞的词藻来说服选民。The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in its attempts to retain power.他说,政府为了保住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。He resorted to trickery to get what he wanted.他靠欺骗获得了自己想要的东西。The candidates resorted to hurling brickbats at one another.候选人采取了相互进行语言攻击的手段。He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug.他声称繁重的工作安排使他不得不依靠服药来维持精力。The talks have collapsed and both sides have resorted to brinkmanship.谈判失败了,双方都采用了边缘政策。The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence.农民认为他们唯一的选择就是诉诸暴力。Eventually, I resorted to bribery and promised them ice cream.最后我采取收买的办法,答应给他们买冰淇淋。The navy resorted to the press-gang.海军不得不让征兵队强制征兵。We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force.我们希望他们不用诉诸武力就能解决这个局面。Dentists will only resort to extraction of a tooth when all other treatments have failed.牙医只有在所有别的治疗方法都无效后才会拔牙。Many people were affronted by the Post's resort to sensationalism and scandal.许多人为《邮报》乞灵于追求轰动效应和一味报道丑闻而生气。We resorted to the hotel for some coffee.我们去那家宾馆喝咖啡。Politicians often resort to familiar formulas when discussing controversial issues.讨论有争议的问题时,从政者常常会讲些惯用的套话。Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.有时候我只能对我的孩子们采取软硬兼施的办法。Don't resort to name-calling. Let's talk about the real issues.不要骂人,咱们谈谈正事吧。Some landlords have resorted to short-term rentals.有些房东采取了短期租赁的方式。The president was prepared to resort to stern measures to get his way.总统准备采取强硬措施达到目的。So far, the refuse collectors have not resorted to a strike but are working to rule.迄今为止,清洁工人们还没有进行罢工,只是严格按章工作变相怠工。It was after the failure of this attempt that he resorted to force.是这次尝试失败之后他才诉诸武力的。They were forced to resort to desperate/extreme measures.他们被迫采取极端手段。We had to resort to extraordinary measures to find employees.我们不得不采取非常规措施来寻求雇员。The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup.这个乞丐常去该饭店要汤喝。Therefore I think we must, so to say, resort to more extreme measures.因此,恕我直言,我认为我们必须采取更为激烈的措施。She resorted to using quiddities to win this debate.她用诡辩的方式赢得了这场辩论。If persuasion won't work, we may have to resort to force.如果说服工作不见效,我们可能只得诉诸武力。




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