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词汇 resistance
例句 The ohm measures electrical resistance.欧姆是计量电阻的。The sick child's resistance is very low.病孩的抵抗力很差。The people offered no resistance when the enemy entered the town.敌人进入镇子时,人们没有进行任何抵抗。The government had taken elaborate precautions to crush any resistance.政府采取了周密的预防措施来镇压任何抵抗。White resistance to Civil Rights was founded on age-old fears of democracy.白人对公民权的抵制来源于他们多年来对民主的恐惧。The oesophagus has no serosa, thus reducing the resistance against local spread of invasive cancer cells.食道没有绒毛膜,因此抵御进攻性癌细胞局部扩散的能力较低。The government had hoped to mop up rebel resistance.政府早就希望肃清叛军的抵抗。From these redoubts, the army carried on vigorous resistance against the aggressors.从这些棱堡,军队对侵略者进行了强有力的抵抗。The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.禁烟政策的推行几乎没有员工反对。That government adhered to its original plan in spite of the resistance.该国政府不顾阻力坚持按原计划行事。There will be fierce resistance to these proposals.这些提案将遭到激烈反对。They are likely to put up stiff resistance to any new proposals.他们可能会坚决抵制任何新的提案。Invading troops met with obstinate resistance by guerrilla forces.侵略军遭到游击队的顽强抵抗。He was the man who epitomized black resistance to the colonial government.他代表着黑人对殖民政府的反抗。She has an inbuilt resistance to change.她对变革有一种固有的抵触。AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.艾滋病会降低身体对感染的抵抗力。They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance.他们被抵抗组织抓住后又设法逃脱了。We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing with the case.办这个案子的过程中,我们遇到了很多阻力。The defenders put up a stubborn resistance.防守将士进行了顽强的抵抗。Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.这种政策必然会招致农场主的强烈抵制。There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。She speaks to women in a gentle way that helps overcome resistance.她语气温和地和女性交谈以帮助她们克服抵触情绪。We took the path of least resistance and bought him the car he wanted.我们采取了最简便的办法,给他买了他想要的汽车。The President was hobbled by congressional resistance.总统因国会的抵制而受掣肘。There was a lot of resistance to the plan when it was first suggested.这项方案一经提出,就遭到诸多抵制。Government forces are mopping up the last pockets of resistance.政府军正在肃清最后的零星抵抗。We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.我们犯了狭隘的错误,抵制变革。She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated.她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。The body is stimulated to build up resistance.刺激身体以增强抵抗力。The government controls most of the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了几小片区域还在抵抗之外,政府控制了该市的大部分地区。There has been a lot of resistance to tax increases, even those designed to benefit education.增税遭到普遍反对,甚至包括旨在资助教育的增税。Career-limiting habits you should avoid include unreliability and resistance to change.你需要避免的妨碍事业成功的习惯,包括不可信赖和不愿改变。They met little resistance from outgunned government troops.已无还手之力的政府军面对他们几乎是束手就擒。The oil companies face stubborn resistance from environmentalists.石油公司遭到环保人士的强烈抵制。Rebel gunmen have put up strong resistance.持枪的叛乱分子进行了顽强抵抗。Most patients gradually develop a resistance to the drug.大多数病人慢慢地对这种药产生抗药性。Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。The troops met heavy/stiff resistance as they approached the city.军队逼近该城时遭到了顽强抵抗。The area became a locus of resistance to the government.这个地区成了抵制政府的中心地带。




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