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词汇 reservations
例句 There was a bit of a muddle over our hotel reservations.我们的酒店预订有点混乱。I have certain reservations regarding several of the clauses in the contract.我对合同中的几项条款持保留意见。Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处心存疑虑。We will hold these flight reservations for you until tomorrow.你预订的这些航班座位,我们将为你保留到明天。If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.如果你想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为你预订旅馆。The restaurant is very popular so it is advisable to make reservations if you go. 这家饭店生意很火,去之前最好先预订。There are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona.亚利桑那州有许多印第安保留区。An online tutorial gives basic instructions for those who have never made reservations on the Web.在线指南为那些从未在网上进行过预订的人提供基本的操作说明。She supports the idea, with reservations. 她支持这个观点,但有所保留。How long are you staying or did you just make one of those open-end reservations?您将住多久,要不只是作暂无定期的预订?He spoke in favour of the bill but also said he wanted to record certain reservations.他发言赞成该议案,但又说他要申明若干保留意见。Basically, the author is in favour of disarmament but with a few reservations.基本上,文章的作者赞成裁军,但有一些保留。She fouled up our plans by forgetting to make the reservations.她忘了提前预订,因而打乱了我们的计划。We made reservations in advance.我们事先进行了预订。There might be trouble getting hotel reservations the week of the festival.活动周期间可能很难订到旅馆。Raw materials were transported to Phoenix from the reservations.原材料从保留地运往菲尼克斯。The travel service can help you to make onward reservations.旅行社可帮你们办理行程各阶段的预订。Most Indians live on reservations established by the Federal Government.大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上。We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel.我们已在这个旅馆预订了三个房间。She had reservations about changing jobs.她对要不要换工作拿不准主意。They have expressed reservations concerning the provisions of the treaty.他们对协约的条款表达了保留意见。We have dinner reservations under the name of Jones.我们用琼斯的名字预订了晚餐。He didn't make reservations, but he should have.他没有预约,他本该预约的。When he got there, he found that the hotel reservations had gotten loused up.他到那里后,发现预定旅馆房间的事已搞成一团糟。Making reservations beats waiting in line.预先定座胜过排队等候。Seat reservations are free.预订座位免费。Many teachers are likely to have reservations about the new tests.很多老师可能对这些新的考试心存疑虑。I have to work late tonight, so I cancelled our dinner reservations.我今天晚上得加班,所以取消了晚餐的预订。For reservations call the airlines direct, or your travel agent.订票可直接打电话给航空公司,或打电话给旅行社。During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels.在高峰时期,有些酒店很难预订到房间。We're waiting for written confirmation of the reservations.我们在等待预订的书面确认。NATO generals voiced reservations about making air strikes.北约将领们表达了对空袭的保留意见。The Indians were reduced to small reservations.印第安人被限定在一块块狭小的保留地内居住。I know you're very keen to move to the US, but I'm afraid I still have reservations.我知道你很想移民去美国,但恐怕我还是有所保留。The USA expressed reservations before agreeing to sign the agreement.美国在同意签署协议之前表达了保留意见。With reservations I will recommend this film.我将有保留地推荐这部影片。The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。Many people who formerly backed him now have reservations.许多以前支持过他的人现在都持保留态度了。He agreed, though with some reservations.虽说有些保留,他还是同意了。American Indians living on reservations住在居留地的美洲印第安人




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