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词汇 resented
例句 She bitterly resented her father's new wife.她对她父亲新娶的妻子恨之入骨。She bitterly resented the fact that her husband had been so successful.她对丈夫如此成功感到愤愤不平。All his students resented his harsh, dictatorial manner.所有学生都讨厌他那尖酸苛刻又盛气凌人的态度。He felt his son's ingratitude, and he resented it.他感觉到了儿子的忘恩负义,对此很气愤。He resented his lowly status.他怨恨自己地位卑微。I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.我特别憎恨那种在人家伤心透顶的时候还在传播的谣言。He resented his boss for making him work late.他因老板让他工作到很晚而对老板愤恨不已。Bad language before the watershed is widely resented.在成人节目时间之前出现的脏话深为众人憎恶。I resented having to work such long hours.工作时间这么长,我很有怨气。I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.我讨厌这种对我家事的干涉。His remoteness was resented.他的冷漠让人厌恶。People resented his imperative tone of voice.人们对他的命令式口吻感到厌恶。She resented her parents' strictness.她讨厌父母的严厉。She bitterly resented his mother's influence over him.她十分讨厌他母亲对他的影响。I really resented his intrusion in a family matter.我真的很厌恶他插手家庭事务。The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.家里的女孩儿们憎恨彼得夺走了所有人的注意力。The group resented dictation from above.该小组讨厌上级的命令。The girl lied because she resented her parents' strictness.由于不满父母的严厉态度,这个女孩撒了谎。The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor.警察局局长对别人侵入他的管辖区深恶痛绝。Sophie resented his highhanded manner.索菲讨厌他那种专横的态度。People resented the underhanded way that he came to power.人们对他用阴险手段攫取权力表示愤慨。Ordinary people have always resented the nomenklatura's privileges.老百姓一直都对要职人员的特权心怀怨恨。My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.我父亲是个吝啬的老头,花在我们身上的每一分钱他都很不情愿。He resented the rude journalists' intrusions upon his privacy.他恼恨无礼的记者们侵扰他的私人生活。Mark couldn't fathom why she resented him so much.马克不明白她为什么那么恨他。Some of Biko's followers resented his friendship with a white journalist.比科的一些追随者痛恨他和一名白人记者的友谊。Ingham resented anyone trying to usurp his authority.英厄姆憎恨任何企图篡夺他权力的人。She resented the fact that I had more freedom than her.她为我比她享有更多自由而愤愤不平。She resented having to clown for white patrons.她憎恨为白人顾客扮演小丑。Kate said she felt we resented her.凯特说她感到我们大家恨她。She resented being told what to do.她厌恶别人对她发号施令。Lilith resented Adam's pretensions to superiority.利莉思十分厌恶亚当高高在上的架势。Not unnaturally, Jane greatly resented Harry's interference.很自然地,简对哈利的干预极为不满。I resented his interposition of an objection before I finished speaking.我恼恨他没等我把话说完就提出反对意见。He resented returning to this kind of mundane routine.他憎恶回到这种平凡的日常生活中去。They resented the injustices of the system.他们怨恨制度的种种不公。I resented being treated as an invalid.我讨厌别人把我当残疾人看待。I really resented your criticism.你的批评让我非常气愤。She resented his high-handed manner.她憎恶他专横的态度。Mum resented being stuck at home with two young kids.妈妈讨厌整天窝在家里照看两个小孩子。




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