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Neither achieved anything resembling their former success.他们俩都没有取得以前那样的成就。We couldn't find anything resembling a good restaurant. 我们找不到一家像样的餐厅。We have produced a cloth made of pineapple fibre, closely resembling cotton but stronger.我们用菠萝纤维制成了一种布料,这种纤维很像棉花,但比棉花更牢。The animals make a strange sound, vaguely resembling the bark of a dog.这些动物会发出很奇怪的声响,与狗叫声略微有点相似。The overcooked oatmeal had a consistency resembling paste.那煮过头的燕麦粥黏得像浆糊。I have never seen anything remotely resembling the horrors of that day.我从没见过像那天那么恐怖的景象。 |