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例句 Paper bags have been largely replaced by plastic bags.纸袋已基本被塑料袋所取代了。Mr Givens was discharged from the committee and replaced by Mr Benton.吉文斯先生被解除在委员会的职务,由本顿先生接任。The coal industry is running down as coal is gradually replaced by oil.由于煤炭逐渐被石油所代替,因此煤炭工业正在衰落。Their indecision has been replaced by confidence and steely determination.他们的优柔寡断已经被自信和钢铁般的决心所取代。The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.尼克松时代的紧张局面被一届平淡无奇的政府所取代,继任总统温和友善,正值中年,出身中产阶级,来自中西部。The engine was shielded and steel fasteners were replaced by brass or nylon.发动机被保护起来,钢制的扣件换成了铜制的或尼龙的。Trams are being replaced by the buses.电车正在被公共汽车所代替。Suddenly Jon's relaxed mood was replaced by a feeling of panic.乔恩的轻松心情突然为恐慌所取代。He was replaced by Lt Frank Fraser.他被弗兰克·弗雷泽中尉顶替。The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing, with a raised pool and waterfall.传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。The mist had been replaced by a kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat.薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。It was said that coal was on the way out and would be replaced by nuclear energy.大家都说,煤逐渐被淘汰,将由核能取而代之。She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.她被人踢掉了,取而代之的是一个能够赢得选举的领导人物。The plan with which we've stayed has been replaced by a new one.我们一直坚持执行的计划现在已被一项新计划所取代。At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs.呜咽终于停了下来,紧接着是一阵抽噎。The dead elms have been replaced by a row of saplings.死去的榆树已被一排幼树取代。Our skin cells are continually replaced by mitosis.我们的皮肤细胞不断地通过有丝分裂更新。Many old herbal remedies have disappeared and been replaced by synthetic drugs.许多过去的草药都已不再使用,被合成药物所取代。Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources.环境保护主义者很希望看到矿物燃料用可再生能源来取代。My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.我最初的惊讶很快变成了兴奋。The deathly pallor of her skin had been replaced by the faintest flush of color.她如死灰般苍白的皮肤开始现出淡淡的血色。The old cinema was torn down and replaced by a restaurant.老电影院被拆毁,取而代之的是一个饭店。The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。He was replaced by a young graduate, 10 years his junior.取代他的是一个比他小十岁的年轻大学毕业生。The children's tutors were replaced by new teachers and students from the pedagogy seminaries.孩子们的辅导员由新老师和教育学研究班的学生接替。The traditional designs have been replaced by much more garish colours.传统的图案已经被花哨的颜色所替代。The old grate had been replaced by a modern gas fire, which was the source of the heat.旧式壁炉已经被现代煤气取暖器所代替来供暖。Coal has been replaced by oil. 煤炭已经被石油取代。If it's faulty it should be replaced by the manufacturer free of charge.要是产品有缺陷,厂商应免费更换。Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是丑陋的现代建筑物。Returnable containers have been replaced by disposables.可回收容器已被一次性容器取代。Many of the workers have been replaced by machines.许多工人已经被机器替代了。No matter what desires are requited, they are always replaced by others.不管是何种欲望,一经满足,总是又被其他欲望所代替。Imperial units have in many cases been replaced by metric ones in Britain.在英国,很多情况下英制已经被公制取代。The President was replaced by his second-in-command.总统一职由其副手接替。This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.这种绝对主义的信念被规则可以变通这一认识所替代。The present system of rolling contracts should be replaced by fixed term contracts.当前的活络合同制度应由定期合同取代。A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender.他眼里闪现出一丝怀疑,但又马上代之以可怜无助的依从。Badly corroded metal gutters and downpipes should be replaced by the plastic type.锈损严重的金属排水沟和下水管应该换成塑料的。As soon as a desire is requited,it is always replaced by another.一种欲望一旦满足,就会被另一种欲望所代替。




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