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词汇 repetitive
例句 Simple repetitive tasks can be very wearisome.简单的重复性工作会让人觉得很乏味。The song was dreary and repetitive.这首歌又枯燥又重复。The poet's use of repetitive parallelism gives extra emphasis to the words.诗人用重复排比对词语进行特别强调。At the risk of being/sounding repetitive, I must remind you again to be careful.即便是唠叨,我也必须再次提醒你要当心。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。I wouldn't describe the job as boring, just a little repetitive sometimes.我不想说这工作无聊,只是有时有点千篇一律。Suddenly music that seemed dull and repetitive comes alive.突然间,似乎索然无味且反反复复的音乐生动了起来。My job is so repetitive, it does not require much conscious thought.我的工作重复性很强,不需要多少有意识的思考。She left the job because the work was too repetitive.她因为工作过于单调辞职不干了。These tasks are numbingly repetitive.这些任务机械繁复,索然无味。The work was repetitive and unrewarding.这工作重复单调,一点意思都没有。Protect your hips by avoiding jarring, repetitive exercises over long periods.可以通过避免长时间、重复性的摇摆练习来保护臀部。He has some good ideas, but his lectures can get a little repetitive.他有些不错的想法,但讲起课来却有点重复乏味。As children we suffered through schoolwork that was dull and repetitive.我们小时候受过学校功课的苦,那些作业真是既单调又重复。At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide.尽管会显得啰唆,但我还得再说一遍,统计数字只是一个参考。The editor stripped away repetitive sections of the essay.编辑删除了文章中重复的部分。




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