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例句 The rebel forces have been repeatedly attacked by loyalist troops.叛军遭到了忠于政府的部队的连番攻击。Jane was repeatedly picked on by the manageress.简屡次被女经理欺负。Max was punched and kicked repeatedly as he lay on the ground.马克斯躺在地上不断遭到拳打脚踢。The massive bull lifted him bodily into the air and shook him repeatedly.那头庞大的公牛把他整个身体举向空中,然后不停地摇晃。I apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.我一再道歉,但不怎么奏效。The phone rang repeatedly, but no one answered.电话不停地响,但没人接。He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.他一再读错单词,而且说话含含糊糊的。The Court has repeatedly refused to bend on this point.法院再三拒绝在这点上予以让步。The other team has fouled him repeatedly.对方队员不断地对他犯规。The Prime Minister has repeatedly stressed the importance of controlling inflation.首相已反复强调了控制通货膨胀的重要性。This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.该政策在美国国会屡遭强烈批评。Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.老虎在几天里多次交配。She had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide.她多次扬言要自杀。He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.拉夫特不断地破口大骂和他联合主演的演员。His stepfather repeatedly beat his mother.他的继父总是殴打他的母亲。The company was repeatedly saved from bankruptcy by dubiously legal injections of state funds.这家公司屡次面临破产,却因获得合法性可疑的国家基金注入而幸免于难。I've told her repeatedly to shut the gate when she goes out.我反复提醒她出去时要关好大门。She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.他们屡次无视她的提问,使她觉得受到了侮辱。Though she has repeatedly failed to capture the world record, she refuses to give up the chase. 尽管多次挑战世界纪录未能成功,但她不肯放弃努力。Wasps can sting repeatedly.黄蜂能多次蜇人。They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities.他们一再质疑他的领导才能。He has repeatedly urged the government to do something about this.他不断敦促政府处理此事。They worried away at this problem together repeatedly.他们一直共同努力解决这一问题。He repeatedly promised to cut taxes in his campaign.竞选中他一再承诺要减税。His doctors have repeatedly adjusted his medication to little effect.他的医生反复调整用药,但收效甚微。He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech.他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。Al Gore has stated repeatedly, that the American economy is dependent upon a healthy environment.戈尔一再指出,美国经济依赖于良好的环境。Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.持枪匪徒一再朝美军阵地放冷枪。The drug's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly.反复使用本药,药效也不会减弱。Although he had been treated with antibiotics, he went to the bathroom repeatedly.虽然他已经服用了抗生素,但他还是不停地上厕所。She repeatedly praised him and his works.她一再称赞他和他的作品。There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed.有迹象表明,在她被连刺数刀前,曾与袭击者进行过搏斗。They have repeatedly broken the law and got away with it.他们不断犯法,却总能逃脱惩罚。Graham's doctor had repeatedly warned him not to work so hard.格雷厄姆的医生一再告诫他工作不要太累。He repeatedly slammed the man's head against the wall.他一次又一次把那男子的头往墙上猛撞。She repeatedly proclaimed her devotion to the cause.她反复强调她对事业的献身精神。He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.他用棍子不停地打我。We had to tack repeatedly as we sailed toward the harbor.我们只好做之字形航行,戗风航行驶向港口。Hecklers repeatedly disrupted Duke's news conference, calling him a liar and a fascist.海克勒斯一再打断杜克的新闻发布会,并称他为说谎者和法西斯分子。




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