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词汇 rep
例句 In a short space of time he was promoted from sales rep to area manager.没过多久,他就从销售代表晋升为区域经理了。A play is tested in rep before ever hitting a West End stage.一部戏在登陆伦敦西区舞台前会以常备剧目试演。I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company.我一直在一家摄影公司做销售代表。Contact the health and safety rep at your union.与你所在工会的健康安全代表联系。If you stay with the gang any length of time, you will get a rep.你只要和那帮人厮混一段时间,准会恶名声大振。He got tired of living out of a suitcase and left his job as a sales rep.他厌倦了提着行李箱出差在外的生活,于是辞掉了销售代表的工作。The company's marketing rep was giving out pens and mugs - the usual freebies.该公司的销售代表在分发钢笔和杯子——都是些常见的赠品。She's a sales rep for sports equipment.她是运动器械的销售代表。If you are on a package holiday, your travel company's rep should act on your behalf.如果你是参加包价旅游,你的旅行社代表将代为行事。You need to speak to the students' rep.你需要和学生代表谈一谈。He's worried about protecting his rep.他为保护名誉而忧心。Silk rep drapes well and is suitable for tailored curtains and pelmets.丝质棱纹平布悬挂起来很漂亮,适合做定制的窗帘和窗帘帷幔。Her mother was an actress in rep.她妈妈是保留剧目轮演剧院的演员。




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