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词汇 rely
例句 We must rely on the testimony of historians.我们必须依据史家的记载。These countries now find that the West is nothing to rely on.这些国家如今发现依赖西方是靠不住的。The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.该调查将凭借现有权力要求将各种相关文件呈堂。These computer games rely on 3-D graphics.这些电脑游戏都依靠三维成像技术。It would be rash to rely on such evidence.以这样的证据为依据有些欠考虑。It would be a mistake to assume that we can rely on their help.如果认为我们可以依靠他们的帮助,那就错了。I advise you to think rationally and not to rely solely on your intuition.我建议你进行理性思考,不要单纯依靠直觉。In the future, Mr. Fernandes says, he won't rely on others to handle this.费尔南德斯先生说,今后他不会再依赖别人处理这种事。You can safely rely on the report's conclusions.你大可相信该报告的结论。She can't rely on her feckless son.她不能指望她那个无能的儿子。You may rely upon me, whether or no.不管怎么样,包在我身上好了。It's a great help to know I can rely on you.知道能依靠你,这对我很有帮助。Most of the villagers rely on farming for income.大多数村民的收入靠耕种。The President could not rely on the support of the labor unions.总统不能依赖于工会的支持。Most Americans rely on television as their chief source of information.大多数美国人以电视为主要的消息来源。Nine times out of ten, a woman would do better to rely on her wits and her legs to get her out of trouble.大多数情况下,女人最好还是依靠自己的智慧和行动摆脱困境。You can always rely on Stewart to be honest.你总可以信赖斯图尔特,他很诚实。She's the kind of person you can always rely on.她是那种你总可以依靠的人。Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years.老年人在暮年往往依靠宠物陪伴,来获得安慰。Many people now rely on the Internet for news.很多人现在靠因特网来了解新闻。You can always rely on Brian to do a good job.你可以一直信赖布莱恩会把工作做得很好。You may rely on me to help you.你可以信赖我会帮助你的。We had to rely on our emergency reserve of food while we were snowed in.我们被大雪围困在室内,只得依靠紧急食物储备。I generally rely on instinct when pairing wine and food.我通常依靠直觉来确定用什么酒配什么食物。Parents are encouraged to rely on persuasion rather than punishment.父母们被鼓励依靠说服的方法而不要靠惩罚。These companies rely on advertising revenue for their funds.这些公司以广告收入作资金。They rely on a well for all their water.他们的用水全靠一口井。Sometimes you just have to rely on your own judgment.有时侯你只需要相信你自己的判断。You can't rely on the weather.这天气可靠不住。Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their primary source of income.很多村民以打鱼作为他们的主要收入来源。Today we rely on computer technology to an unprecedented degree.如今我们对计算机技术的依赖已经到了空前的程度。Not surprisingly, businesses that rely on government contracts are being hit badly by the spending cuts.这不奇怪,依赖政府合同生存的企业因为政府支出削减而受到了严重的冲击。We don't have a huge marketing budget and rely on word-of-mouth.我们没有巨额营销预算,主要依赖口碑。Most charities rely on voluntary contributions from the public.大多数慈善团体依赖公众自愿捐献。They rely heavily on sending long balls into the box.他们很依赖长传入禁区的打法。I rely too much on convenience food.我太依赖方便食品了。She's someone you can rely on.她是你可以信赖的人。Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds.多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。We must rely on the moral fibre of our farmers to consider the wellbeing of the consumer.我们必须信赖我们的农民具有顾及消费者福祉的品德。Captive birds rely on their owners for food.笼中之鸟依靠其主人提供食物。




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