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词汇 reliable
例句 He's a good musician and totally reliable.他是个出色的音乐家,而且完全可靠。I have it from a reliable source that the factory will close.我有可靠消息这家工厂会关闭。The evidence we have is not wholly reliable.我们手头的证据并不完全可信。Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.新闻广播准确可靠但却非常枯燥。Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning.老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight.注意饮食和经常锻炼是一种比较可靠的减肥方法。We need more reliable information before we can take action.我们需要更加可信的情报才能采取行动。Though modern gear is pretty reliable, it's not infallible.尽管现代设备相当可靠,但并非万无一失。He's not very reliable. You can't always count on him to do what he says he'll do.他不是很靠得住。你不要总指望他能说到做到。Dental records are a very reliable aid in the identification of badly burned bodies.辨认严重烧坏的尸体时,牙科记录是很可靠的辅助资料。Eyewitness identification is not as reliable as we tend to believe.目击者指认不像我们通常认为的那样可靠。My car's quite old, but it's still pretty reliable.我的汽车很旧了,但性能仍然很可靠。The car wouldn't win any design awards, but it's very reliable.这种汽车不会得设计奖项,但很可靠。He's not very reliable.他不是很可靠。It has a highly reliable control system.它有一套极可靠的控制系统。We have reliable sources.我们有可靠的消息来源。On comparison, the Renault was the more reliable of the two cars.相比之下,这两种车当中雷诺的性能更可靠。She was very hard-working and reliable.她既勤奋又可靠。You must check the evidence against other sources and decide if it is reliable.你必须把证据和其他资料来源进行对照,再来判定它是否可靠。The company has a well-deserved reputation for being reliable.该公司以其诚信可靠而当之无愧地享有声誉。It may not be fast, but it's reliable.它可能速度不快,但是可靠。The electricity supply is less reliable in mountainous areas of the country.在该国的山区,电力供应系统不太可靠。A reliable measure of progress is whether your children can do something they couldn't do before.衡量孩子是否有进步的一个可信标准是看他们能否做以前不会做的事情。He does not look the most reliable of animals.它看上去不像是最可信赖的动物。They sell reliable products at very keen prices.他们以低廉的价格出售质量可靠的产品。The chauffeur is a steady and reliable young man.司机是位稳重可靠的年轻人。Gideon is very reliable - if he says he'll do something, he'll do it.吉迪恩为人很可靠——他说到做到。The story was based on information from a reliable source.这篇报道系根据可靠人士所提供的消息写成。I have always found Mr Persimmon to be thoroughly reliable.我一直认为珀西蒙先生十分可靠。There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。In those days there was no reliable system of transportation between Alaska and the rest of the US.那时候,阿拉斯加和美国其他地区还没有可靠的运输系统。It's very difficult to give a reliable estimate.要给出可靠的估计非常困难。My next boyfriend was a reliable person, but not very good in bed.我的后一任男友很可靠,但是床上功夫不太好。Don't worry, Robert's reliable. He won't split on us.别担心,罗伯特很可靠,他不会出卖我们的。Alice can look after the children. She's very reliable.艾丽斯可以照顾孩子。她人非常可靠。Charlotte is pleasant enough but not very reliable.夏洛特很讨人喜欢,却不是很可靠。It doesn't sound very reliable, if I may say so.要我说,这听上去不太可靠。Are these data reliable?这些数据可靠吗?The company's winning formula includes excellent service and reliable products.该公司获得成功的妙方包括优质的服务和可靠的产品。I suggest we adjourn any further consideration of the problem until we have more reliable information.我建议推迟对此问题的进一步考虑,直到我们有更可靠的信息。




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