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词汇 relayed
例句 The guard was relayed every four hours.看守每四小时轮换一次。He listened while people relayed stories of local corruption.人们辗转述说当地贪赃枉法的事情,他只是听着。TV pictures of the war were relayed around the world by satellite.有关战争的电视新闻图片通过卫星在全世界进行了转播。He relayed the news to his mother.他将这个消息转达给他的母亲。She relayed the message.她传达了这个信息。The event will be relayed to a giant TV screen a mile away.这项赛事将会在一英里以外的一个巨大的电视屏幕上转播。The radio concert was relayed live from the theatre.音乐会从剧场作现场实况转播。Images of the war were relayed around the world.战争场面转播到了全世界。The phone call was relayed to my office.那个电话转接到我的办公室。The decision will be relayed to Iraq's ambassador at the UN.这个决定将会被传达给伊拉克驻联合国大使。Messengers on horseback relayed battle plans to the front lines.信使们骑马为前线送去了一个个作战计划。She had to give in as a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents.由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。Data relayed from the aircraft will be recorded on the ground.飞机上传回的数据将会在地面被记录下来。Rose immediately relayed news of the accident to her boss.罗丝立即把事故的消息告诉了老板。He quickly relayed this news to the other members of staff.他马上就把这个消息转告给了其他员工。The news was relayed to distant points.新闻向各遥远地点转发。She relayed the message, then frowned.她把消息带到了,然后皱紧了眉头。These programmes are prerecorded and then relayed to other cities.这些节目是预先录制好后再向其他城市转播的。This report is being relayed to us by our crew at the scene of the accident.我们在事故现场的工作人员正把这则报告传送给我们。Mendoza relayed the news as soon as he returned to the base.门多萨一回到基地就传达了这个消息。




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