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词汇 region
例句 The region split into two armed camps.这个地区分裂成为两个武装集团。Apeace deal between Israel and Lebanon would have weakened Syria's influence in the region.如果以色列和黎巴嫩先前达成和平协议,可能会削弱叙利亚在这一地区的影响。The region has many deposits of valuable oil.这一地区有很多珍贵的石油矿藏。His country's actions threaten peace in the region.他所在国家的行动威胁到该地区的和平。Separatist rebels have used terrorism to advance their cause in the region.分裂分子组成的叛军运用恐怖手段在该地区推进他们的事业。The country is valued as a bulwark of peace, stability, and democracy in a difficult region of the world.这个国家被誉为世界困难地区和平、稳定和民主的保障。The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地区的人们逃离了自己的家园。Northern Ireland weathered the recession better than any other region in the UK.北爱尔兰比英国其他地区更顺利地渡过了经济萧条。They intended to introduce technology into the region.他们打算将技术引入那个地区。This town is the region's cultural capital.这个小镇是当地的文化中心。The region has a very high population density.该地区的人口密度很高。The whole metro region is socked in with snow.整个地铁系统因大雪瘫痪。Fresh water and medicines were scarce in the flooded region.洪灾区缺乏淡水和药品。Troops entered the region by land and sea.军队由陆、海两路进入该地区。This class is designed to acquaint students with the region's most important writers.这门课旨在使学生了解本地区最重要的作家。They sent troops into the region, igniting a conflict that has killed thousands of soldiers.他们派军队进入该地区,激起了一场冲突,结果导致数千士兵死亡。A majority voted for fully independent status for the region.大多数人投票赞成该地区完全独立。He complained of pain in the abdominal region.他说他腹部疼痛。It is unusual to see snow in this region.这个地区难得下雪。For many years, the region remained in the orbit of imperial Rome.很多年以来,这个地区都在罗马帝国的控制范围之内。Much of the region's environmental depredation is a result of poor planning.该地区的环境破坏大都是由于规划不善造成的。Some superlative wines are made in this region.一些上好的葡萄酒就是在这个地区酿造的。People in this region embraced Christianity at the turn of the century.这一地区的人在本世纪初开始信奉基督教。The President has called for the elimination of all WMDs in the region.总统呼吁销毁这个地区所有的大规模杀伤性武器。The climatic conditions in the region make it an ideal place to grow grapes.这一地区的气候条件使其成为理想的葡萄种植地。Protests disrupted the electoral process in the southern region.抗议活动打乱了南部地区的选举进程。Backward farming methods made grain production uneconomic in the region.这个地区落后的耕种方法使得粮食生产无法赢利。This region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer.在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。News travels slow to a backward region.消息传到落后地区很慢。The agreement forms part of our efforts to bring peace to the region.这份协议是我们为促进该地区的和平所作努力的一部分。Finding a solution to the present crisis in the region is no easy task.要为该地区目前的危机找到解决方法绝不是件容易的事。Technology has replaced steel as the region's staple.技术取代钢铁成为这一地区的主要产品。There's a shortage of cheap housing in the region.这一地区缺乏廉价的住房。The president should abandon his hard line in the region.总统应该停止在该地区采取的强硬措施。The US is giving low-cost loans to help under-developed countries in the region.美国将提供低息贷款来帮助该地区的不发达国家。The President exercised his power as commander in chief to deploy forces in the region.总统行使最高统帅权力,下令在这一地区部署兵力。They see the region as their natural sphere of influence due to their historical links and a shared language.基于历史上的联系和共同的语言,他们把该地区看成是自己天然的势力范围。They exert a strong cultural/economic influence over their neighbors in the region.他们对所在地区的邻居有很大的文化/经济影响。The government was in a weak position and unable to help the inhabitants of the region.政府软弱无能,无法对该地区的居民提供帮助。




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