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词汇 regard
例句 If you're too assertive they regard you as an aggressive hysterical woman. I mean, you can't win!如果你太坚定自信,他们就会把你看作是咄咄逼人、歇斯底里的女人。我是说,你怎么做都不对。The university needs to cut costs but has not made any particular proposals in this regard.大学需要削减开支,但在这方面还没有什么特别的提议。Defenders of the death penalty regard it as the ultimate deterrent.支持死刑的人认为死刑是最具威慑力的刑罚。He is studying law and in that regard he is doing very well. 他正在学习法律,而且在这方面表现非常出色。My regard for Smith went up another notch.我对史密斯的尊重又升了一级。My regard for him grew day by day.我对他的尊敬与日俱增。I regard reading as a form of recreation.我把看书当作一种消遣。Texts have been modernized with regard to capitalization and punctuation.就大写和标点而言,文本已变得更适应现代需要。His books are tremendously popular, but most of the critics regard him as a lightweight.他的书大受欢迎,可多数评论家都认为他只是个不足取的作家。My regard for her went up another notch.我对她的敬重又增加了一等。Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands.同事们认为他办事可靠。I regard his theories with scepticism.我对他的理论持怀疑看法。Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.到目前为止,政府仅仅对美国船只实施了禁令。He does not regard his new job as a poisoned chalice.他不认为自己的新工作是金杯毒酒。We've made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。She seemed to regard an easy, comfortable life as some kind of birthright.她好像把轻松舒适的生活看作是一种与生俱来的权利。They tend to regard the open expression of emotion as being soft and feminine.他们往往把公开表达自己的感情视为软弱和女性化的表现。We are free to regard such a view as mistaken.我们有自由认为这种观点是错误的。Because I live in a remote village, I regard my car as an essential.因为我住在一个偏远的村子里,所以我把汽车看作是必需品。Many regard his task as mission impossible.许多人认为他的任务不可能完成。The family regard her marriage to a non-Muslim as a betrayal.她的家庭把她与非穆斯林家庭出身的人结婚看作是背叛。I regard her as a genius.我认为她是一位天才。I have the greatest regard for his abilities.我极其钦佩他的能力。He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.他说过不管资历如何,任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。The laboratory assistant would continue to monitor developments in this regard.实验员将继续监测这方面的进展。He is held in the highest regard by his colleagues.同事们对他都极为尊重。He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option.他已经下定决心使用武力。Applicants are considered without regard for age, race, religion, or sex. 求职者的年龄、种族、宗教或性别并不重要。We regard intraparty democracy as the “lifeblood” of the Party.我们视党内民主为党的生命之源。She seems to have little regard for her health.她似乎很少在意自己的健康。I have the highest regard for him.我最敬重他。Many people regard Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as his finest work.许多人认为贝多芬的《第五交响曲》是他的最佳作品。Brendel is certainly a fine musician. Indeed, I regard him as one of the greatest pianists of our time.布兰德尔当然是一位优秀的音乐家,我甚至认为他是我们这个时代最伟大的钢琴家之一。Would you please show some regard for others?你能不能考虑一下别人?I still regard him as a prince of a man.我仍然认为他是令人敬佩的人。He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他好像把整件事情当成了笑话。We regard their treatment of the prisoners as inhuman.我们觉得他们对待囚犯很不人道。Students at Oxbridge usually regard their fellow students at other universities as poor relations.牛津、剑桥的学生往往把其他大学的学生看成比自己低一等的大学生。Some of his students regard him as a father figure.他的一些学生把他看成父亲。Younger consumers, it is said, regard their products as stodgy and unfashionable.据说,年轻一些的消费者认为他们的产品古板落伍。




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