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词汇 reformed
例句 He was in trouble with the police a lot when he was younger, but now he's a reformed character.他年轻时经常犯事落到警察的手里,但现在他已经浪子回头了。Al Pacino plays a reformed crook who gets pulled back into a life of crime.阿尔·帕西诺饰演一个改过自新的罪犯,后来又走上犯罪道路。The organization has recently been reformed.这个组织最近改组了。A reformed party would have to win the approval of the people.一个革新的政党需要赢得人民的认可。President Roosevelt reformed a rotten banking system and put the country back to work with his New Deal.通过新政,罗斯福总统改革了腐朽的银行体系,使国家走上了正轨。The healthcare system must be radically reformed.医疗保健制度必须彻底改革。He used to go out every night, but now he's a reformed character.以前他每天晚上都出去玩儿,但现在已经改了。Daley vowed that the Police Department would be reformed.戴利发誓要改革警察局。Sunday trading laws will be reformed.星期日交易法将进行改革。The group reformed after the war.这个团体战后进行了改组。Harry has completely reformed.哈里已完全弃恶从善了。They reformed the voting system, and introduced a secret ballot.他们改革了选举制度,引进无记名投票法。Since the birth of his baby, Mark has totally reformed.马克在他孩子出生后就完全改好了。The ex-convict had reformed and was now a productive member of society.那个刑满出狱的犯人已改过自新,现在成为对社会有益的公民了。The laws were reformed root and branch.这些法律从根本上进行了改革。I felt I had to give him a chance to show whether he had reformed or not.我觉得必须给他个机会展示一下他是否已经改过自新。The laws need to be reformed.这些法律需要修订。The demobilized soldiers were reformed into unofficial semimilitary organizations.复员军人被改编组成非正式的半军事化组织。The education system must be radically reformed.教育体制必须彻底改革。So far none of the reformed drinkers has backslid.迄今为止这些改过自新的酒徒之中没有一个重染恶习的。He heard she had become a reformed character whilst in prison.他听说她在监狱里彻底改变了自己。The company reformed, ready to attack again.连队重新建制,准备再次发起进攻。It is high time that the legal profession reformed itself.法律界的自我改造此其时也。He hopes to see a new reformed party rise from the ashes of the old one.他希望看到旧政党能够洗心革面,成为一个全新的政党。If things are to change, the company must be reformed from within.如果要改变现状,这家公司必须从内部进行改革。The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.那罪犯改过自新,保证赎自己的罪过。




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