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The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.你被裁员一案将由一个独立的审理委员会来审理。Avoid redundancy in your writing.写作中应避免重复。Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave.优厚的裁员条件引发了职员争先恐后地要求辞职的现象。I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package.我坚持要求得到一大笔裁员补偿。Workers are being encouraged to take voluntary redundancy.工人被鼓励主动离职。The restructuring is expected to result in the redundancy of several hundred workers.重组可能会导致数百名工人被裁。He's lost his job, but the redundancy money will cushion the blow.他丢了工作,不过遣散费会减轻对他的打击。The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy.很多富有经验的熟练工人无事可做,这是极大的浪费,也是经济运行不健康的明显标志。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness, and redundancy.在投保意外险、疾病险和失业险之前,要仔细考虑。Most of the companies' losses stemmed from redundancy costs.公司亏本主要是由于支付冗员费用造成的。The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.失业的威胁依然笼罩在我们心头。The company hopes the job cuts will be made through natural wastage and voluntary redundancy.公司希望通过自然减员和自愿离职来削减职位。Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy.上千名银行职员面临被解雇的命运。Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy as their employers cut costs.雇主削减成本的时候,数千名银行雇员面临被解雇的命运。You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.你可以购买保险来防范失业和生病造成的损失。Employers are legally obliged to consult trade unions about any redundancy proposals.任何裁员的提议,按照法律规定雇主都必须和工会协商。She applied to her employer for a redundancy payment, but she was refused.她向雇主申请裁员补偿,但是遭到拒绝。Two thousand car workers face the grim prospect of redundancy.两千名汽车工人面临着可能被裁员的严峻前景。We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment.我们希望通过员工自愿离职和暂时停止招聘的方式来达到裁员的目的。The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for.庞大的裁员费用已经包括在内。Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement.公司尽管遇到了财务问题,但仍然信守不裁员的协议。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy.在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim, he was refused payment.约翰办理过失业保险,可是当他去索赔时却遭拒付。The redundancy turned out to be a blessing in disguise.那次被裁掉的人结果因祸得福。The workers are now facing redundancy.工人们现在正面临裁员。It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。 |