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词汇 recycled
例句 The packaging can be recycled.包装可以回收。Metal, paper, and glass can be recycled.金属、纸张和玻璃都可被循环利用。The oil is recycled.油被回收再利用。Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper.举手之劳就可以使办公室更加环保,比如,使用再生纸。It is printed on recycled paper.它是用再生纸打印的。Can computers be recycled?电脑可以回收利用吗?The old factory is being recycled as a theatre.这家老厂正被改建作剧场。Old sheets can always be recycled for children's costumes.旧床单常常可以再用来做孩子的衣服。It's the thing this year to buy products made from recycled materials.今年流行的是购买用回收再利用的材料制成的商品。Three quarters of all construction waste was recycled.四分之三的建筑垃圾都得到了回收利用。The rubbish has to be sorted into things that can be recycled and things that can't垃圾必须分成可以回收的和不可以回收的两种。The machine crushes the cans so that they can be stored until they are recycled.那台机器把易拉罐压扁,这样便于存放以待回收利用。All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be recycled.不能再次灌装的玻璃瓶子都可以回收利用。Our new generator runs entirely on recycled fuel. That's the beauty of it.我们这种新款发电机完全以再循环燃料为动力,这就是它的好处。Old newspapers are pulped and recycled.旧报纸被化成纸浆重新利用。Take all your leftover bottles to be recycled.把你剩下来的所有瓶子都拿去回收吧。A lot of plastics cannot be recycled.很多塑料不能回收利用。A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled.汽车制造商使用的许多塑料制品是无法回收利用的。These materials are recycled into other packaging products.这些材料被回收后制成其他包装产品。All our envelopes are made from recycled paper.我们的信封都是用再生纸做的。The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper.商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。This book was printed on recycled paper.本书以再生纸印制。The boiler is very efficient as the heat normally lost with flue gases is recycled.这种锅炉可以使通常随废气排走的热量再次循环,效率非常高。The doormat is made from recycled tires.门垫是用旧轮胎再加工做成的。We use only recycled paper and board in our packaging.我们的包装只使用可回收利用的纸和硬质板。We take all our bottles to be recycled.我们把我们所有的瓶子都回收利用。Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.工业界仍然倾向于使用天然原材料,而非再生材料。Plastic drink bottles can be recycled.塑料饮料瓶可以回收利用。All waste material is recycled where possible.所有的废料都尽可能回收利用。




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