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词汇 recycle
例句 They're studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel.他们正在研究用各种不同方法将垃圾转化成燃料。The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。My sister-in-law was preaching to the converted when she kept telling me I should recycle rubbish.我嫂子不断告诉我应该回收垃圾,我早就知道这些,她这样真没必要。They endlessly recycle the same worn-out arguments.他们没完没了地使用那些老生常谈的论点。Why not recycle Christmas cards as gift tags?为什么不把圣诞卡用来做礼物标签呢?It is becoming more difficult to recycle the money siphoned off from the West.从西方吸取的资金正变得越来越难以重新利用。It's important to recycle household waste.循环利用家庭垃圾是很重要的。Students can sometimes recycle old essays to make them fit new questions.学生们有时能把旧的作业修改后用来回答新的问题。The Japanese recycle more than half their waste paper.日本人将一半以上的废纸回收利用。Plastic bags don't recycle cost-effectively.塑料袋回收成本太高,不划算。These new eco-friendly homes recycle waste water in toilet cisterns.这些新型环保住宅利用废水冲厕所。We make efforts to recycle.我们致力于回收再利用。Don't forget to recycle the empties.不要忘了回收空瓶子。I dragged the icon into the recycle bin.我把那个图标拖进了回收站。In an ideal world, we would be able to recycle everything.在理想世界里,我们可以循环使用任何东西。Town residents are required to recycle cans and bottles.镇上的居民需要将易拉罐和瓶子送到回收点。Our disposable society must be encouraged to recycle.我们这个一次性用品充斥的社会必须鼓励循环再生。She talks a good game about protecting the environment, but she doesn't even recycle.她大谈特谈保护环境,但她连回收再利用都不做。The council is encouraging people to recycle their household rubbish.委员会鼓励人们回收利用他们的家庭垃圾。We recycle our waste, but what happens to it afterwards is completely off our radar.我们回收垃圾,但是这之后发生了什么我们就一点都不知道了。Shall I just throw this bottle away, or do you recycle?我是不是把这个瓶子扔了,或者你们回收?




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