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例句 It is not in her power to increase your salary, but she can recommend it.她无权给你加薪,但她可以提出建议。Doctors recommend that all children be immunized against polio and tuberculosis.医生建议所有儿童都接受小儿麻痹症和肺结核的免疫注射。This biography has much to recommend it.这本传记有许多吸引人之处。If you're short of time, I recommend seeing at least the museum and the cathedral.如果你时间不够,我建议你至少要去参观博物馆和大教堂。The committee is expected to recommend approval of the new drug.委员会有望建议批准这种新药。Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿想吃奶就随时吃。I wouldn't recommend the fish - it's not very nice.我不会推荐这种鱼—不是很好吃。As action movies go, this one has little to recommend it.就动作片而言,这部影片实在乏善可陈。I strongly recommend that you get your brakes checked before you go on a long drive.我强烈建议你长途驾驶前要让人检查一下刹车。I'll recommend you for a promotion.我会推荐你晋升。Butchers recommend cooking meat with the fat and trimming it away later.肉贩建议先把肉整个儿煮熟,然后再将肥肉切去。I would always recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one.我总是建议别人买质量好的自行车,不要买便宜的。I can recommend that new Greek restaurant. Their cooking is excellent.我可以向您推荐那家新开的希腊餐馆。他们的烹调是一流的。Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That's the safest way.叫朋友推荐个人帮忙看孩子,那是最保险的。This is a binding contract. Therefore, we recommend that you review it with a lawyer.这是个有约束力的合同,因此我们建议你找个律师好好商讨一下。With reservations I will recommend this film.我将有保留地推荐这部影片。I recommend that you avoid processed foods whenever possible.我建议你尽量不要食用加工好的食品。The jury found him guilty and did not recommend mercy.陪审团认为他有罪,所以并未提请法庭宽大处理。I don't recommend the use of chemicals in home gardens.我不主张在私家花园中使用化学制品。She has a lot to recommend her.她有许多魅力之处。I can't decide between the lasagna and the salmon. Which do you recommend?我不知道是吃意大利卤汁面还是吃三文鱼,你推荐哪一个?We also recommend a full day optional excursion to the Upper Douro.我们还推荐去杜罗河上游的短途自选一日游。What foods do you recommend as good sources of fiber?你推荐什么食物作为纤维素的来源?When customers recommend our company to friends and family members, we consider that to be the highest/best compliment we can get.在我们看来,顾客向亲朋好友推荐我们公司就是对我们最高/好的嘉奖。Towards the end of a pregnancy, doctors recommend more frequent prenatal check-ups.临近分娩时,医生会建议孕妇作更多的产前检查。We're not teetotalers, but we recommend sensible drinking limits.我们虽然算不上滴酒不沾,但我们主张喝酒要有理性的节制。This hotel has nothing to recommend it except cheapness.这旅馆除了价钱便宜之外一无可取之处。Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan.现在许多理财专家不建议人们把住房贷款全部还清。Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗? Doctors recommend exercising to insure against health problems.医生们建议进行锻炼以预防健康问题。He has little/nothing to recommend him as a political candidate. 作为一名政治候选人,他几乎没有/没有什么可取之处。I definitely recommend this movie.我的确看好这部电影。I can't really recommend any particular hotel. They're all much of a muchness.我实在推荐不出哪一家旅馆,它们都大同小异。With reservation, I would recommend this film.我可以推荐这部电影,但是持保留意见。I recommend you get a second opinion. 我建议你再征询一下其他医生的意见。I can recommend the dish of the day.我可以推荐今日特色菜。Who would you recommend for this job, Stuart?你会推荐谁做这工作呢,斯图尔特?Your idea has much to recommend it.你的主意有许多可取之处。I'm sorry sir, we're not serving chicken tonight. Can I recommend the fish?很抱歉,先生,今晚我们没有鸡肉。我能向您推荐鱼吗?In severe cases your doctor may recommend allergy shots.如果情况严重,医生会建议打几针抗过敏药。




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