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词汇 recited
例句 I recited the poem she had asked me to memorize.我背了她叫我背的那首诗。She proudly recited the Pledge of Allegiance.她自豪地背诵《效忠誓言》。He recited a laundry list of problems.他列举了一大堆问题。We joined hands and recited the prayer together.我们手拉着手,共同背诵祷文。At my brother's high-school graduation the students recited a poem.在我哥哥的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。He recited the poem in a solemn voice.他用庄严的声音朗诵了这首诗。The opposition party recited a long list of the government's failings.反对党列举出政府一大堆失误之处。He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.他把信又读了一遍,尽管他早已闭着眼睛也能把内容背出来。We recited poems parrot fashion.我们鹦鹉学舌般地背诵诗歌。He recited the poem/passage with great feeling.他饱含深情地朗诵了这首诗歌/这篇短文。He recited the day's adventures.他详细叙述了那一天的冒险经历。They recited poetry to one another.他们互相朗诵诗歌。The children recited the Pledge of Allegiance.孩子们背诵效忠誓词。As a young child, she often recited lines from the ancient odes.小时候她经常背诵古赋里的辞句。The student recited the speech parrot-fashion and could not answer any questions about it.那名学生鹦鹉学舌般地背诵演讲稿,回答不了有关演讲内容的任何问题。A poem was recited at the beginning of the wedding ceremony.婚礼以诗朗诵开始。The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride.那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。The poet recited some of her recent poems.诗人朗诵了她最近写的几首诗。She recited the whole list in one breath. 她一口气背出了清单里的全部内容。She recited a speech from Shakespeare.她背诵了一段莎士比亚剧中的台词。He recited his poem in front of the whole school.他在全校师生面前背诵了他的诗。The little boy recited the text pat.那小男孩流利地背诵了这篇课文。He recited the whole poem from memory.他凭记忆把整首诗背了出来。She recited a poem that she had learnt at school.她背诵了一首她在学校里学的诗。She recited the poem verbatim. 她一字不差地背诵了那首诗。Len recited the breakfast menu – cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.莱恩报出早餐菜单 — 谷物食品、熏猪肉煎蛋和烤面包片。His grandfather recited the old saw about an apple a day keeping the doctor away.他的祖父说起了那句老话:一天一苹果,医生远离我。At my brother's high school graduation the students recited a poem.在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。The children recited the alphabet in unison.孩子们齐声背诵字母表。




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