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词汇 rebel against
例句 Children always rebel against their parents and teachers.孩子总是同父母和老师对着干。He was a rebel against the school administration.他是校方的反对者。As they grow older, kids begin to rebel against the restraints imposed by their parents.随着年龄的增长,孩子们开始反抗父母亲强加在他们身上的条条框框。The flesh rebels against such disciplines.肉体违背这些戒律。Children often rebel against their parents.孩子们常常违抗父母。Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.年轻人应该反抗当权者。Mary does not rebel against her inferior status in the company.玛丽对自己在公司的低下地位安之若素。Teenagers tend to rebel against people in authority.青少年有反抗权威人士的倾向。




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