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Reality TV was officially pronounced dead by the critics.评论界正式宣布电视真人秀没有生命力。Reality was starting to set in. We were not going to win.现实明摆在那儿,我们赢不了。Reality is one and indivisible.现实是个不可分割的整体。Romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.浪漫主义正重新流行起来,而现实主义过时了。His ideas were encapsulated in a book called 'Democratic Ideals and Reality'.他的观点已经被概括进一本名为《民主理想和现实》的书中。Reality bleeds into fantasy as the story goes along.随着故事情节的展开,现实逐渐渗透到了幻想当中。 |