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词汇 realities
例句 It's time for her to face the harsh realities of this situation.现在是她面对严酷现实的时候了。Daydreams had become realities.白日梦变成了事实。He was lucidly aware of political realities.他对政治现实明白得很。Learning to differentiate the two realities is difficult.学会区分这两种实际情况很难。The novel describes the harsh realities of racism and life on the road.这部小说描写了种族主义和流浪生活的严酷现实。His comments are just abstract theory and show little understanding of the realities of the situation.他的意见只是抽象的理论,对实际情况几乎毫无了解。These realities augur ill for the future of democracy in the country.这些现实对于这个国家的民主前景是不祥之兆。The conferences always take place in grand hotels, away from the realities of life.这些大会总是在大酒店举办,远离生活的现实。Her parents always tried to shield her from the realities of the world.她父母总是努力保护她免受现实世界的伤害。School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.学校管理者在社区的要求与孩子们的实际表现之间寻求平衡点。His book communicates the harsh realities of war.他的书揭示了战争的残酷真相。She described the theatre's closure as "a straw in the wind" as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.她认为该剧院的关闭是一个信号,昭示着各家剧团终于放弃侥幸想法,开始面对现实了。Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.作者们不了解出版界的实际情况,这是人所共知的。The movie shows the stark realities of life in the ghetto.这部影片展示了贫民区的冷酷现实。He remembered when he was first confronted by the racial realities of living in South Africa.他想起了居住在南非时第一次遇到种族歧视现实的情景。I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.我认为人们所居住的房子应该能让他们远离残酷的现实生活。The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.诗中描绘的自然景象意在让人联想到景象以外的现实。These are the naked realities.那就是赤裸裸的事实。Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises?他们的美好愿望会变成现实吗?或者只是空口诺言?These realities only augur ill for the future of democracy there.这些现实情况只能预示那里的民主前景不妙。You cannot shelter your children from the realities of life.你无法让孩子们逃避生活的现实。This was Tim's first experience of the harsh realities of life.这是蒂姆第一次体验到现实生活的严酷。We have to cope with the realities of class distinction.我们不得不对付阶级区别的实际。The book confronts the harsh social and political realities of the world today.这本书直面当今世界残酷的社会和政治现实。The prime minister was rudely awoken to the realities of international finance.首相突然明白了国际金融的现状。As the years passed he felt trapped by certain realities of marriage.随着岁月的流逝,他觉得受困于婚姻的某些现实问题。Every San Francisco police officer understands the realities of policing this city.旧金山每一名警察都明白在该市巡查治安的现实状况。I don't think you have quite grasped the realities of our situation!我认为你还没有完全搞清楚我们的实际情况!They are out of touch with the realities of modern warfare.他们与现代战争毫无关系。The movie shows the harsh/grim/stark realities of war. 这部电影展现了严酷的战争生活。We're all trying to adjust ourselves to the new economic realities.我们都在努力去适应新的经济现实。At last, England has actually appointed a manager who has more than a passing acquaintance with the realities of modern football.英格兰国家队最终任命了一位对现代足球现状的了解不止于泛泛层面的主帅。Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.数百万人生活在失业的残酷现实中。His evangelistic idealism is being torpedoed by the realities of the day.当今的种种现实正在使他狂热的理想主义彻底破灭。The book describes the gritty realities of life on the streets.这本书真实地描写了流落街头的艰辛生活。




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