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例句 Our most successful product is based on a very simple idea.我们最成功的产品构思非常简单。Our research group found that consumers want healthful food based on vegetables not meat products.我们的研究小组发现,消费者希望吃到蔬菜类的健康食品,而不是肉类产品。Nations will increasingly form alliances based on common civilization.以共同的文明为基础,国家之间将越来越多地缔结盟约。The neighbors' suspicions were chaff of the lowest sort based on gossip.邻居们因流言蜚语而产生怀疑,这是最无聊不过的事了。He toured a show based on his work with the Aborigines.他举行了以他描写澳大利亚土著的作品为主体的巡回展览。Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.德国空前的繁荣是建立在明智的投资基础之上的。The dispute is based on two widely differing interpretations of the law.争论是源于对法律的两种截然不同的解释。The selection process is based on rigorous tests.选择过程建立在严格测试的基础上。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。Success in this country seems to be based on class rather than on ability.在这个国家,成功似乎靠的是社会等级而不是能力。Agriculture is still largely based on traditional methods in some countries.一些国家的农业仍然主要依靠传统耕作手段。The menu is based on classic French cooking.菜单是以经典的法国菜为主。The relationship between attorney and client is based on confidentiality.律师和委托人之间的关系是建立在保密的基础之上的。A good relationship is based on more than just physical attraction.两个人相好不是仅靠身体上的吸引。Our deduction was based on the information given to us at the time.我们的推论是根据当时得到的情报。However, this calculation was based on a glaring error.然而,这个计算结果是基于一个明显差错得出的。The judge's ruling was based on a precedent established by an earlier decision.法官的裁决是基于一个早前确定的判例。His lawyers argue that the charges are based on a far-fetched conspiracy theory.他的律师申辩说那些指控是基于一种牵强的阴谋论。My decision is based on logic, not faith.我的决定是基于逻辑推理之上的,不是单凭盲目的信仰。Our judgements must be based on our knowledge and experience.我们的判断必须以我们的知识和经验为基础。The play was based on Irish legend.这部戏取材于爱尔兰传说。Capitalism is based on private ownership.资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。The film is based on a popular Bengali novel.这部影片根据一本孟加拉畅销小说改编而成。The allocation of places at the university is based on candidates’ examination results.这所大学按考生成绩进行录取。His novel is based on his own personal experiences.他的小说以他本人的亲身经历为素材。Much of her work is speculative, based on psychoanalytic theory rather than empirical data.她的著作中有相当一部分内容是推测性的,建立在精神分析理论之上而缺乏来自实际经验的数据。Hollywood heart-throb Keanu Reeves is set to star in a true story based on a newspaper article from the Times.好莱坞万人迷基努·里维斯将会出演一个根据《泰晤士报》的一篇文章改编的真实故事。Payments are based on expected lifetime income.根据预期的终身收入来决定付款金额。The design of the breakwater was based on the recommendations of an engineering study.这道防浪堤的设计基于一项工程学研究提出的建议。We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity.我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感。The Law recognises the weakness of claims based on retrospective knowledge.法律基于追溯效力的相关规定认定索赔证据不足。The figures are imprecise because they're based on a prediction of next year's sales.这些数字并不精确,因为它们是以对明年销售额的预测为基础的。For Locke, knowledge is based on experience as derived through our senses.在洛克看来,知识建立在通过感官获得的经验之上。His argument ignores the multitude of factors that go into reducing poverty. It's based on faulty logic.他的论点无视减少贫困涉及的多方面因素。它的逻辑基础是错误的。The argument is based on prejudice and presupposition.论证是建立在成见和假设基础上的。The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.当局驳回了该报告,称其许多内容有的纯属臆测,有的存在偏差错误。Some of his most powerful writing is based on his childhood experiences.他的一些最震慑人心的作品是根据儿时的经历写成的。The judge's ruling was based on the simple commonsense tenet that no man is above the law.法官的判决基于一个常识性原则,即谁也不能凌驾于法律之上。Similarly, lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.同样,律师按各人所长分派工作。The story is based on historical fact.这个故事以历史事实为基础。




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