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词汇 based
例句 The region has an economy based on services and finance.该地区的经济以服务业和金融业为基础。The economy is based largely on farming.该地经济主要依靠农业。Employment decisions shouldn't be based on misconceived notions about age.聘用决定不应该基于对年龄的错误观念之上。The workers were distributed based on their special talents.根据各自特长工人们被分了类。The project is based on a successful pilot scheme in Glasgow.该项目基于格拉斯哥一个成功的试验方案。Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.变革必须以经济现状作为切实依据。Payments are based on expected lifetime income.根据预期的终身收入来决定付款金额。He's based in Banja Luka, which is the largest city in northern Bosnia.他驻扎在波斯尼亚北部的最大城市巴尼亚卢卡。Most shredding machines are based on a revolving disc fitted with replaceable blades.大多数粉碎机都是基于一个装有可替换刀片的旋转圆盘来实现作业的。Their plans are based on the implicit assumption that the proposal will be accepted.他们的计划基于含蓄的假设,即这一提议将会被接受。His lawyers argue that the charges are based on a far-fetched conspiracy theory.他的律师申辩说那些指控是基于一种牵强的阴谋论。The judgment based on grounds short of actual proof may be quite mistaken.以缺乏实际证据的理由为根据作出的判断有可能是十分错误的。The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.宪法不是道德上的中立,而是以某些中心价值观为基础的。Our tour group based itself in a hotel in the heart of the city.我们旅行团在市中心的一家宾馆里安顿了下来。Reflexology is based on the principle that specific areas on the feet correspond to different parts of the body.反射疗法所依据的原理是,足部的特定部位都对应着身体的不同部位。In future, promotion will be based on merit not seniority.以后晋升要看业绩而非资历。His investment strategy is based on a simple formula.他的投资策略基于一个简单的方案。All the characters in the book are based on real people.书中的所有人物都是以真人为原型塑造的。The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.这项研究计划是基于早先提出的假设之上的。You've based your opinion on faulty information. = Your opinion is based on faulty information. 你的意见是建立在错误的情报上的。Their religion is based on a respect for all living things.他们的宗教信仰是建立在对一切生物的尊重的基础上的。The doctor has a sliding scale of fees based on patients' income.那个医生根据病人的收入浮动收费。Your actions are based on some false presuppositions.你的行动是基于一些错误的假设。Our most successful product is based on a very simple idea.我们最成功的产品构思非常简单。According to Marxist theory, a society's superstructure is its legal, social, cultural and political institutions, which are based on its economic systems.根据马克思主义理论,一个社会的上层建筑包括其法律、社会、文化和政治制度,而这些都是建立在其经济基础之上的。The new organization will be based in Dallas.这个新的机构总部将设在达拉斯。The college was an elite institution based on privilege and the old school tie.大学是以特权和校友关系网为基础的精英机构。The book is based on personal experience.这本书根据个人经历写成。Their price estimates are based on pure guesswork.他们的估价完全是猜的。His rank was based solely on merit.他的军衔完全是基于他的功绩。Decisions about your children should be based on the practicalities of everyday life.有关孩子们的决定,应该从日常生活的实际情况出发。This rule is based on bad science.这一法则基于伪科学。Elizabeth Quan is a London-based practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.伊丽莎白‧康是一位在伦敦执业的中医医师。Conrad adhered to a rather obscure Christian sect based in North Dakota.康拉德信奉一个不知名的源自北达科他州的基督教教派。A Nottingham-based charity runs the scheme in Britain.一个总部设在诺丁汉的慈善机构在英国运作了这个方案。Her opinion is based on a careful scrutiny of the text.她的观点立足于对文本的潜心钻研。The film is based on a true story.影片取材于一个真实的故事。The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。The selection process is based on rigorous tests.选择过程建立在严格测试的基础上。The government's case was based on evidence gathered over a two-year investigation.该政府依据两年调查收集的证据提出起诉。




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