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例句 She reacted surprisingly calmly to the news of his death.听到他的死讯,她的反应出奇地平静。They reacted with restraint.他们的反应有所节制。The Labour front bench reacted angrily.工党的前座议员愤怒地回应。His supporters have reacted to the news with elation.他的支持者听到这个消息后欢欣鼓舞。He reacted badly to the drug.他对这种药物有不良反应。The firefighters reacted quickly when they heard the alarm.消防队员听到警报信号后迅速做出反应。Most people reacted positively to the smoking ban.大多数人对禁烟表示赞成。Workers reacted angrily to the news of more job losses at the factory.工人们对工厂进一步裁员的消息感到气愤。The horses reacted as if on cue.马像得了信号一样地起了反应。Many people reacted antagonistically to her comments.许多人对她的评论觉得反感。The government reacted by declaring all strikes illegal.政府作出反应,宣布所有罢工行为都是非法的。She reacted to the news by getting angry.她听到这个消息很生气。Reggie reacted with the same affronted horror Midge had felt.雷吉的反应是又羞愤又害怕,和米奇的感觉一样。Smart reacted cagily when Chelsea were mentioned.听到切尔西的名字时,斯马特就不愿意多说了。He reacted against his father's influence by becoming a priest.他为了反抗他父亲的影响当了传教士。The committee reacted positively to the proposals.委员会对这些提议作出了积极回应。People reacted to the speech in different ways.人们对这次演说反应不一。Hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in Yugoslavia.相比之下,匈牙利对南斯拉夫发生的一系列事件反应平静。They reacted violently to the news.他们对这条新闻反应强烈。He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy.他接受放射治疗,副作用很大。Villagers have reacted with alarm to news of a proposed new road.听说有要修新路的计划,村民们很是担忧。It reacted explosively with the oxygen in the air.它遇到空气中的氧气产生了爆炸性反应。Indonesians have reacted with disbelief.印度尼西亚人对此表示怀疑。The audience reacted readily to his speech.听众对他的演说立即作出反应。He reacted promptly during the emergency.在那起突发事件中,他迅速做出了反应。When she told her family she was gay, they reacted with a mixture of shock and incredulity.当她告诉家人她是同性恋时,家人都既震惊又狐疑。He reacted to the news with a shock indistinguishable from a thrill of pleasure.他对这个消息的反应,很难分得清是震惊还是狂喜。He reacted against everything he had been taught.教他什么他都会唱对台戏。She reacted funnily to my question.她对我提的问题反应很古怪。She reacted to the news with pointed indifference.她对这则新闻反应明显冷淡。He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement.有报道称他反对军队介入,对此他很是恼火。I had reacted in a fury of grief.我的反应是悲愤交加。Officials reacted angrily to those charges.官员们对那些指控很生气。He reacted with surprising speed.他以惊人的速度作出了反应。When I told her what happened, she reacted with anger.我把所发生之事告诉她时,她非常生气。She reacted to his compliments with a deprecating laugh.听了他的赞扬,她不好意思地笑了。The markets reacted quickly to the negative publicity.市场对负面新闻迅速作出反应。Public opinion soon reacted in his favour.舆论很快反转过来支持他。Rebel sources have so far reacted cautiously to the threat.到目前为止,反叛分子面对威胁的反应非常谨慎。France and Italy reacted angrily to the decision.法国和意大利对这个决定表示愤慨。




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