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词汇 rash
例句 Don't do anything rash.不要鲁莽行事。I had a terrible rash on my face, and I felt like a freak.我长了一脸可怕的皮疹,感觉自己就像个怪物。He has a slight rash on his chest.他胸部长了一小块皮疹。The doctor said she developed the rash because of the medicine.医生说她出现皮疹是因为吃了这种药。Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings.专家不能肯定是什么原因导致美洲狮最近频频现身。The rash most commonly appears on the back.皮疹经常长在后背上。Emergency officials worry that the region may again be hit by a rash of wildfires this fall.紧急应变部门的官员担心今秋该地区会再次接连爆发野火。You should see a doctor about your rash.你该找个医生看看皮疹。Don't scratch - the rash will get infected.别搔痒,不然的话皮疹会感染的。Two days after he'd been exposed to the substance, a painful rash erupted on his neck.接触了这种物质两天后,他脖子上突然起了一种刺痛的皮疹。This heat has made me come out in an itchy red rash.热得我出了一片又红又痒的痱子。Don't make any rash promises that you may regret later.不要轻易许下日后可能会后悔的诺言。I've got a rash on my chest.我胸部长了皮疹。She was treated for road rash.她因路面擦伤而接受治疗。The cook began scratching the rash on his neck.厨工开始搔脖子上的皮疹。The doctor prescribed a new cream for the rash.医生开了一种治皮疹的新乳膏。The girl broke out in a rash today.今天,这女孩身上出了疹子。The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。The poor baby has a rash all over his little bottom.可怜的宝宝小屁股上满是皮疹。Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin.暑热有时会引起针刺般痛的皮疹。Please don't do anything rash. 请勿鲁莽行事。The town has suffered a rash of arson attacks.这个镇发生了一连串的纵火案。He may break out in a rash when he eats these nuts.他吃了这些坚果可能会长皮疹。Don't get stampeded into any rash decisions.不要仓促作出草率的决定。The main symptom is a scarlet rash that's quite unmistakable.主要症状是猩红热疹,这是确定无疑的。Don't do anything rash until the feelings subside.在冷静下来之前不要鲁莽行事。The rash is caused by the release of chemicals, including histamine, which swell body tissues.这种皮疹是某些化学物质的释放引起的,其中包括组胺,它可使人体组织肿胀。The little boy was kept home from going school because of his contact skin rash.那个小男孩不上学待在家,因为他患有接触传染的皮肤病。I know you're angry, but please don't do anything rash.我知道你很生气,但是不要鲁莽行事。It was rash of you to make that promise.你做出那个许诺真是太轻率了。We disapprove his rash conduct.我们对他的鲁莽行为不以为然。She began to regret her rash decision to leave her job.她开始为她草率地决定辞职而后悔。The baby has a skin rash.这个婴儿出了皮疹。There has been a rash of robberies/accidents/complaints in the last two months.过去两个月中,突然发生很多起抢劫案/一下出了很多起事故/接二连三收到多起投诉。She had a nasty rash on her arm.她的胳膊上起了严重的皮疹。I broke out in a painful rash.我出了疹子,很痛。He had a measles rash all over his face and body.他脸部和全身出满了麻疹。I have an allergy to strawberries. I get a rash if I eat just one.我对草莓过敏。哪怕只吃一个草莓也会出皮疹。The insect bite produced a rash.蚊虫叮咬后皮肤上起了一片疹子。They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring.他们认为今年春天一连串的自杀事件是由这次混乱引起的。




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