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词汇 rallies
例句 The conventions have become nothing but cheerleading rallies for the presidential campaign.这些大会纯粹变成了为总统大选摇旗呐喊的集会。She continued to speak out at rallies round the country.她继续在全国的多处集会上大胆说出自己的观点。The concurrent political rallies caused a traffic jam.同时举行的政治集会引起了交通阻塞。The election campaign has been fought not in street rallies but on the airwaves.竞选活动不是通过街头集会进行的,而是通过广播进行的。Even then, she continued to speak out at rallies around the country.即便到了那个时候,她还继续在全国各地的集会上公开发言。Few but the party faithful attended the rallies.除了政党的忠实分子外,参加集会的人不太多。In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.政府颁布紧急命令,禁止一切集会活动。He is still addressing rallies in his usual tub-thumping, arrogant way.他在集会上讲话还是那样慷慨激昂,盛气凌人。More than once, Trump's political rallies were disrupted by some madcaps.川普的造势大会不只一次被一些鲁莽的人打断。The government banned all rallies.政府禁止一切集会。




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