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词汇 raked
例句 Her finger nails raked my face.她的手指甲刮了我的脸。He raked the coffee beans he was drying on the concrete floor.他把晒在水泥地上的咖啡豆耙拢。The questions were raked over in a thick report.厚厚的报告中一再提到了这些问题。She raked a comb through her curls.她用梳子梳理鬈发。Planes raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机上的机枪沿着海滩扫射。The ship was raked fore and aft by enemy's fire.这艘船遭到敌人炮火的纵向扫射。Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire.几个头戴滑雪面罩的持枪男子悄悄地靠近小型货车,用枪对着它扫射。He found the man's cheeks and raked them with his nails.他摸到了那人的脸颊并用指甲抓过去。The cars raked their headlights across his back.过往汽车的前灯扫过他的背部。The wings of the aircraft are raked.这架飞机的机翼是做成倾斜状的。The ship raked the side of the quay.船身擦过码头边沿。He raked through her last diary for clues.他仔仔细细地在她最后的日记中寻找线索。He raked through the drawers, trying to find the letter.他翻遍了所有抽屉,想找到那封信。Ragged fingernails raked her skin.粗糙的指甲划过她的皮肤。She raked out the ashes from the boiler.她把炉灰从锅炉里面耙了出来。They raked the room with gunfire.他们用枪扫射房间。Yachts were raked by the wind and pummelled by the seas.游艇被海风吹得东倒西歪,被海浪拍打得七零八落。Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。He and colleagues raked off millions of dollars in unauthorised fees.他和同事非法收取了数百万美元的费用。We raked all afternoon.我们整个下午都在耙地。I raked up the dead leaves.我把枯叶耙在一起。He'd raked together every pfennig of reserve capital from friends.他挨个儿从朋友那里把他们存下的每一分钱都搜罗来了。She raked the grass seed into the soil.她把草籽耙进土壤。Police bullets raked the getaway car.警察开火,弹雨朝着逃跑的汽车扫过去。It upsets Dad when that story is raked up again.重提那件事父亲会难过。The headlights raked across a painted sign.车头灯扫过一张标志牌。He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen.他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。The beach is raked and cleaned daily.每天都有人把海滩耙平并且清理干净。He raked the horizon with a telescope.他用望远镜扫视地平线。The guns of the enemy raked the vessel fore and aft.敌人的枪炮纵向朝船扫射。Mr. Ford's campaign finances were raked over to the Senate's satisfaction.福特先生的竞选账目经反复核查,参院表示满意。The action takes place on a steeply raked stage.表演是在一个坡度很大的舞台上举行的。He raked his fingers through his hair.他用手指梳了一下头发。His gaze raked the class, killing the sound in each face.他的目光扫视着全班,学生们一个个都不敢作声了。Her nails raked the flesh of his cheek.她的指甲划破了他脸颊上的皮肉。She was a stirring sight, her three gently raked masts rearing over the fishing boats.这艘船颇为壮观,三条桅杆微微倾斜,伸过旁边渔船上空。The searchlight raked the open ground around the prison.探照灯在监狱周围的空地上来回扫射。Litter in the pigsty beds down if it is not raked.铺在猪圈里的草如不耙松就会粘结成层。She raked the soil over to loosen the weeds.她用耙子翻土,把杂草弄松。The dog raked up a buried bone from the rose bed.狗在玫瑰花坛的土下扒出一根骨头。




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