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词汇 barrier
例句 The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.碰撞产生的大部分冲击力被防撞墙吸收了。Passengers are requested to show their tickets at the barrier.旅客需要在检票口出示车票。Show your ticket at the barrier.请在检票处出示车票。The mountains were a formidable barrier.那些山脉是一道难以逾越的屏障。Nick's voice was inaudible through the glass barrier.由于隔着玻璃屏障,听不见尼克的声音。My only misgiving is the language barrier.我唯一担心的是语言障碍。She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them.她一直在等待西蒙打破他们之间的隔阂。The age barrier appeared insurmountable.年龄障碍看来是难以逾越的。He took a wrong turning and ended up in the entrance to a pedestrian precinct with a barrier across the road.他拐错了弯,结果走到了设有路障的步行区入口。The mountain range forms a natural barrier between the two countries.这条山脉构成了两国之间的天然屏障。The tariff is a barrier to trade. = The tariff is a trade barrier.关税是一种贸易壁垒。Only a flimsy barrier stops the crowd from spilling onto the field.只有一道不是很结实的护栏挡着观众,不让他们涌到球场上去。The tree's roots serve/act as a barrier against soil erosion.树根起了防止水土流失的作用。High levels of debt are a major barrier to economic development.高额负债是经济发展的主要障碍。I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.我意识到我不得不克服语言障碍。She feels as if her success is being blocked by an invisible barrier.她感觉好像有一个无形的障碍挡住了她通往成功的路。Older people applying for jobs come up against an age barrier.年纪较大的求职者遇到了年龄上的障碍。The automatic barrier lifted as we drove up.我们开车过去,自动道闸升了起来。Barbara remained aloof behind the barrier of her menu.芭芭拉用菜单挡着自己一直不说话。We hope that this dictionary will help to break down the language barrier between our peoples.我们希望这部词典能有助于我们两国人民克服语言障碍。There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.女性想进入职场的高层有着无形的障碍。Oils produced by the skin form a protective barrier against infection and disease.皮肤分泌的油脂构成了一道预防感染与疾病的屏障。The stock market rallied punching through the 1000 barrier.股市价格回升,冲破了一千点大关。Caste was the final barrier to industrialization.种姓制度是工业化的最终障碍。The fans pushed against the barrier.追星族推挤着路障。A severe storm destroyed the natural barrier between the house and the lake.猛烈的暴风雨摧毁了房屋与湖泊之间的天然屏障。The lorry ran out of control and skidded into the barrier.卡车失去了控制,侧滑撞上了防护栏。Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.关税和税收是自由贸易最显著的壁垒。As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers.每一位女士来到关卡前,其中一个男士便会扫一眼她的证件。We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier.我们想推销各种肤色的人都喜欢的化妆品。With one last thrust he broke through the barrier.随着最后一推,他突破了障碍。Spain ran England ragged early on but goalkeeper Ian Walker proved a formidable barrier.西班牙队先是猛烈进攻,使英格兰队疲于奔命,但守门员伊恩·沃克防守甚严。The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.警察臂挽着臂组成一道人墙,阻挡抗议者。I had to surmount the language barrier.我不得不克服语言障碍。The new system has interposed a bureaucratic barrier between doctors and patients.新体系在医生和患者之间置入了一道官僚主义的障碍。As Kerr fled towards the exit, Boycott collared him at the ticket barrier.克尔一路逃向出口,博伊科特在检票处抓住了他。The rushing water broke through the barrier.湍急的水流冲破了屏障。At top speed, these planes break the sound barrier.这些飞机全速飞行时可突破音障。The mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries.这条山脉是分隔两国的天然屏障。The driver slowed down as he approached the police barrier.驾驶员驶近警方设置的路障时减速了。




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