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词汇 raiders
例句 Masked raiders carried out a bank robbery today.今天有蒙面劫匪抢劫了一家银行。The soldiers panicked and opened fire on the raiders.士兵们吓得惊惶失措,朝袭击者开枪射击。Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows.其中一些袭击者身背弓箭。Ram-raiders smashed their way into a high-class store.驾车抢劫者开车冲进了一家高档商店。The village needs protection from enemy raiders.这座村庄需要防御敌军袭击。The raiders gutted the city.入侵者洗劫了这座城市。The raiders machine-gunned everyone in the bank before escaping in a van.抢劫者用机枪朝银行里的人扫射了一通后乘一辆厢式货车逃离。With a deft flick of his foot, Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up.沃思先生敏捷地一抬脚,就把一个袭击者绊倒了。The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery.劫匪携现金和珠宝逃跑了。He was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.他与抢劫者搏斗时,被打到了嘴。A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun.一位勇敢的警长夺过了意图袭击珠宝店的劫匪手中的猎枪,挫败了这起持械抢劫案。Armed raiders forced their way into the couple's home.武装袭击者强行闯进那对夫妇的家。




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