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词汇 rag
例句 She used a rag to mop up the spill.她用抹布擦干溢出物。Her photograph was in the local rag.她的照片登在当地报纸上。The rag was wrung dry. 这块抹布拧干了。Use a clean rag to rub the mirror bright.用块干净的抹布把镜子擦擦亮。This sort of information is like a red rag to a bull for the tobacco companies.烟草公司知道了这种消息一定会大怒。The little girl was crying for her rag dolly.小女孩哭着要她的布娃娃。A mere mention of his shortcomings is a red rag to him.稍一提及他的缺点,他就会大怒。It's just an old rag I had in the closet.这只不过是我挂在壁橱里的一件旧衣服罢了。The multicoloured rag rug was chosen to liven up the grey carpet.选择这块五彩缤纷的碎呢小毯是为了给这灰色的地毯添些生气。A boy with a bucket and rag was scrubbing tables and benches.一个拿着水桶和抹布的男孩正在用力擦洗桌子和长凳。One must save a rag of pride to dress in.一个人的衣着总得顾点体面。It looked like a piece of rag.它看上去像块破布。Use a rag soaked in paraffin oil.使用浸过石蜡油的抹布。I've only once seen him lose his rag.他大发脾气我只见过一次。He cleaned the car with an oily rag.他用一块沾满油污的破布擦汽车。Dick wiped his hands on a greasy rag.迪克在一块油腻的破布上抹手。The rag soaked up most of the water.那块破布将大部分水吸干了。He said one too many stupid things and I just lost my rag.他的蠢话说得也太离谱了,我终于忍不住发了火。He was wiping his hands on an oily rag.他在用一块沾满油污的抹布擦手。He rubbed his hands clean on a flannel rag.他拿法兰绒把手擦干净。Don't tell him you're a vegetarian - it's like a red rag to a bull.不要告诉他你是个素食主义者——这会让他极为不快。The gun was wrapped in a dirty rag.枪用一块脏布包着。The rag trade is extremely competitive, and one needs plenty of contacts in order to survive.成衣业的竞争极为激烈,其从业者要想站住脚,就要有许多关系。Wipe the board with a damp rag.用湿抹布擦黑板。There was a report in the local rag about it.当地不入流的小报报道了此事。He wiped his hands on a rag.他用一块破布擦了手。Whatever you do, don't mention his ex-wife. It's like a red rag to a bull.你干什么都可以,就是不要提他前妻,那会使他怒不可遏的。He's a writer for our local rag.他为我们当地的小报撰稿。Don't get your rag out; I only asked a question.别发火,我只不过提个问题。He used a rag to staunch the flow of blood.他用一块布来止血。The program caught a loose rag of attention, and then had me enmeshed.这档节目先是偶一引起我的注意,接着便完全把我吸引住了。He wiped his boots dry with an old rag.他用一块旧布把他的靴子擦干。He was chewing the rag at me the whole afternoon.他整个下午唠唠叨叨数落我。I cleaned the board with an old rag.我用旧布把那块木板擦干净了。The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together.最简单的碎布地毯是由碎布条编在一起制成的。He wiped his hands on an oily rag.他在一块油腻的抹布上擦了擦手。Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.只要提到他前妻的名字,他就会怒不可遏。Just mentioning his poor marks to him was waving a red rag to a bull.一提他那可怜的分数,他就会勃然大怒。Her favourite toy was a rag doll.她心爱的玩具是一个布娃娃。Magnus helped me on with my old rag of a coat.马格努斯帮我披上了旧外套。




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