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She simply radiated confidence.她完全是一副信心十足的样子。He radiated pride in his achievements.他对自己的成就很自豪。Her whole manner towards me radiated disapproval.她对待我的整个态度显露出不满。A system of roads radiated from the town centre.公路系统从镇中心向外呈辐射状延伸。There was a tenderness that radiated from her.从她身上人们可以感受到一种温柔。Heat radiated from the glowing coals.燃烧的煤块散发出热量。She radiated charisma onstage and off-stage.她台上台下都魅力四射。The old and faded lights radiated a feeble glow upon the walls.那些已经褪色的古老的灯散发着微弱的红光映照在墙上。Her voice hadn't changed but I felt the anger that radiated from her.尽管她声音没变,但我还是感受到了她所流露出的怒气。 |