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例句 Some low-fat cheeses have quite an acceptable flavour but some taste like rubber.一些低脂乳酪味道不错,但有些吃起来却像橡胶。Jack became addicted to drugs at quite an early age.杰克很小年纪时就吸毒成瘾了。Our trip to Mexico was quite an adventure for the children.对孩子们来说,我们的墨西哥之行真是太刺激了。It would be quite an accomplishment if we could get this finished in time.如果我们能及时完工,就算是大功告成了。It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.虽然经受着内心的煎熬,但他仍强作欢颜,真不容易。I was quite an athlete in my younger days. 我年轻时是个不错的运动员。That was quite an achievement.那可是相当大的成就。The award is quite an honor. 这个奖是相当大的荣誉。We had quite an enjoyable holiday.我们假日过得非常愉快。The party was quite an occasion.这次的聚会非比寻常。The news gave her quite an upset.这消息使她大为心烦意乱。It was quite an occasion. All the local dignitaries were there, dressed in their finest clothes.那是个隆重的盛会。当地所有的名流显要都盛装到场。She has quite an extensive wardrobe. 她有许多衣服。She's quite an interesting woman.她是一个很有趣的女人。She had developed quite an affection for the place.她已经深深地喜欢上这个地方了。Parachuting is quite an experience.跳伞是件非常刺激的事。It was quite an eventful week.那真是个不平凡的一周。To be offered this job is quite an achievement.获得这个工作机会是件很了不起的事。He is quite an adept with a camera.他拍起照片来很有一手。After a long day walking across the hills they had worked up quite an appetite.他们在山里走了一整天,食欲大增。I opened the door to the locker room and got quite an eyeful.我打开了更衣室的门,眼前所见之景令我目瞪口呆。Snow is quite an apparition in Florida.在佛罗里达下雪可是一种难得看见的奇景。If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.如果新领导人能将党内互相争斗的各派力量整合起来,那将是个了不起的成就。It was quite an experience being involved in running the festival.亲身参与举办节庆活动是很不寻常的经历。It's quite an attractive building, but somehow it hasn't got much soul.那是一幢相当漂亮的建筑,但不知怎的它没有多少生气。There was quite an ugly/angry scene at the restaurant.餐馆里发生了可怕/愤怒的争吵。I thought it was quite an interesting movie.我以为这是部颇有趣的电影。They say her biography is quite an eye-opener.他们说读她的传记真是大长见识。There's quite an art to flipping pancakes.翻煎饼真是门艺术。She will be quite an acquisition to the club.她将成为这个俱乐部不可多得的新成员。She was quite an athlete as a child.她从小体育就很好。The book is quite an eye-opener.这本书真是让人大开眼界。It was quite an understood thing to us at that time.那在当时对我们来说是件心照不宣之事。She's quite an operator—no one else could have gotten them all to agree to the project.她真是八面玲珑,除她之外没人能够说服他们所有人同意这一项目。Children can develop bad postural habits from quite an early age.儿童从很小就可能养成不良姿势的习惯。It sounds quite an interesting job, but I don't know what the money's like yet.这份工作听起来很有意思,但我还不知道工资怎样。It's quite an old bike, but in excellent condition.这是辆挺旧的自行车,但车况极好。He made quite an impression on the girls at the tennis club.他给网球俱乐部的女孩子们留下了很好的印象。Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener to me. It proves that one can do anything if the need is urgent.写这些脚本真是让我大开眼界。这证明了在紧急情况下一个人什么都能够做。It would be quite an upset if the favourite didn't win.如果这个夺标大热门没有获胜,那就真是一个大冷门。




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