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词汇 quicker
例句 It's quicker by train.乘火车更快。We weren't doing anything different to what we've always done. We're just doing it a damn sight quicker.我们正在做的事和我们一直在做的别无二致,只不过我们现在动作要快得多。They could turn, climb and stunt quicker than any two-seater.它们在转弯、爬高和表演特技时比任何双座飞机更快。It'll be quicker if I use a calculator for these sums.做这些算术题,使用计算器会更快些。Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.多用心去打动顾客,商品就会更快售出。It's quicker to go by rail than by road.从铁路走比从公路快。You'll have to walk quicker than that if you want to keep up with me.如果你想跟上我就得走快一些。It's a lot quicker if you use the index.利用索引就快得多了。It's certainly quicker to fly but we thought it would be more exciting to go overland.坐飞机当然更快,但我们认为由陆路去更刺激。The advantage in going faster is that you get there quicker.快点走的好处在于,你可以早点到达那里。It's quicker to go by the country route.走乡村小路更快。It will be much quicker if we take the by-pass rather than drive through the middle of town.如果我们走旁道而不在市镇中央行驶,那会快得多。It's quicker to do it oneself.这件事自己去做会快一些。In theory, the Net should make things quicker, but that isn't always the case.理论上,互联网能提高效率,但事情往往不是这样。The more you apply the quicker you will learn.你越专心致志,就学得越快。You'll get there quicker if you take the interstate.如果走州际公路,你就能快点儿到那里。Some children in the class are quicker than others.班上的一些孩子比另外一些反应快。My father would have driven me to Cornwall, but we decided it would be quicker by train.父亲原本要开车送我去康沃尔,但我们还是觉得坐火车更快。The longer you have been in shape in the past, the quicker you will regain fitness in future.过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。It's probably quicker by train.乘火车可能会快一点。I can't run any quicker.我只能跑这么快了。Even with a change of trains, the subway is quicker than a cab at rush hour.高峰时段地铁即使要转车也比出租车快。You'll get there a lot quicker if you take the motorway.如果走高速公路去那里会快很多。It is arguable which way is quicker.走哪条路更快,还没有定论。Any antidepressant which offers a quicker alleviation of symptoms is an important advance.任何一种能够更快缓解症状的抗抑郁药都是一次重要的进步。Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.我们的虎皮鹦鹉飞出鸟笼的时候,猫正好在室内。不用说,猫比我快,抓住了它。You'll have to work a damn/darn sight quicker than that if you want to get done on time.要是你想按时完成,你就必须大大加快进度。The new software system is really smart and it's much quicker to use too.新的软件系统设计得真巧妙,用起来速度也快多了。The way through the woods is quicker.穿过树林走更快些。Air mail is quicker than sea mail.航空邮件比海运快。In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him.他在某些地方比我快,而我会在其他地方追上他。It is simpler and quicker to use than conventional methods.这比通常的做法更简单、更快捷。Some companies have been quicker off the mark than others.有些公司比另一些公司反应快。Warm the sugar slightly first to make it dissolve quicker.先将糖稍稍加热,以使其溶解得更快些。It's much quicker if you go by air, but it's also more expensive.乘飞机去要快得多,但也比较贵。They chivvied us to finish the job quicker.他们催我们再快一点完成这个工作。I've just had a thought - it might be quicker to go by bus.我刚刚想到一个主意:乘公共汽车去可能更快些。Using the mouse is quicker than typing it on the keyboard.用鼠标比敲键盘快。The ice breaks up quicker near the shore.冰在近岸处碎裂得较快。They noted the consumers' growing demand for quicker service.他们留意到消费者对便捷服务与日俱增的需求。




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