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词汇 questioning
例句 Mrs Carson gave Ruth a questioning look.卡森夫人怀疑地看了鲁思一眼。He was taken to the police station for questioning.他被带到警察局问话。After two days of questioning, he finally confessed.经过两天的盘问,他终于招认了。The police brought the suspect into the station for questioning.警察把嫌疑人带到警察局讯问。Intensive questioning finally broke the prisoner down.强大的审问攻势最终使囚犯精神防线崩溃。People are already questioning the wisdom of the move.人们已经在怀疑该行动是否明智。Bailey became increasingly aggressive in his questioning of the witness.贝利在询问证人时越来越咄咄逼人。The lawyer's questioning of the witness did not go on as long as expected.律师对证人的盘问时间并不如预期的长。After questioning, he admitted to the murder.经过审问,他承认自己是凶手。After much questioning, he elicited the truth from the boy.在多次询问后,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。He cracked during questioning and told us where to find the stolen goods.他经受不住盘问,向我们供出了赃物藏匿处。Police are questioning anyone who was acting suspiciously.警方正在质询形迹可疑者。After questioning the suspect closely, investigators decided he was not a part of the drug operation.对嫌疑犯仔细审问之后,调查人员断定他没有参与这次毒品行动。Three men from the ship have been detained for questioning by the Harbour Authorities.船上有三名男子被港口当局拘留盘问。Detectives on the murder inquiry have taken in a new suspect for questioning.调查这起谋杀案的侦探们又带了一个新的嫌疑人来警察局进行审讯。Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them.军人必须毫无异议地服从命令。Police took him away for questioning.警察把他带走审问。Police have confirmed that they are questioning a woman about the disappearance of baby Kelly Truman.警方已经证实,他们正在向一名妇女盘问小凯莉·杜鲁门失踪的事。Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。This won him a brief respite, but then the questioning started again.这为他赢得了一个喘息的机会,但紧接着询问又开始了。Lawyers are questioning the validity of the city's new telecom contract.律师们对市里新电信合约的合法性提出质疑。The senator made a national reputation out of his questioning of the President.这位参议员因诘问总统而举国闻名。Dozens of political activists have been rounded up for questioning.数十位政治活动家遭到搜捕审讯。She is so designing that you cannot help questioning her motives.她如此诡计多端,以致你不能不怀疑她的动机。Some people are questioning the sincerity of her promises.一些人质疑她的诺言是否诚恳。Many teachers are now questioning the necessity of formal exams.现在许多老师都在质疑正式考试的必要性。The police are verifying the prisoner's statement by questioning witnesses.警察询问目击者,以核实被捕者的供词。The government ordered members of the banned political party to appear for questioning.政府命令被取缔的政党成员来接受盘问。The reporter persisted with his questioning.记者坚持提问。The defendant stood mute during questioning.被告在被询问时一言不发。The police are holding him for questioning.警方把他扣押进行审问。After hours of questioning by the police, the suspect finally cracked. 被警方询问几个小时后,嫌犯终于交代了。Are you questioning my honesty?你在质疑我的诚实么?I didn't know how much longer I could hold out against their relentless questioning.对于他们没完没了的盘问我不知道自己还能招架多久。The disaster prompted questioning about safety standards.那场灾难促使人们对安全标准产生质疑。I could tell that she was questioning my decision.我看得出来她是在怀疑我的决定。The police picked him up for questioning. 警方将他带到警察局询问。They brought him down to the police station for questioning.他们把他带到警局讯问。The majority of people were obedient to the King, not questioning his government.大多数人民都服从国王,不怀疑他的统治。She exhausted him with her constant questioning.她连续不停地提问,使他疲惫不堪。




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