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词汇 quarrel
例句 Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father.她不想作出让步失掉面子,就继续无谓地和父亲吵下去。He retreated to the kitchen to consider their quarrel.他躲到厨房里反思他们的争吵。We have no quarrel with the people of the United States.我们没有理由对美国人民不满。Kevin had come home really upset after a quarrel with a workmate.凯文与一位同事吵架后,回到家里气呼呼的。Companies always quarrel about the exact terms of the agreement.公司总是为协议的具体条款争来吵去。They had a quarrel about/over money.他们为钱发生了口角。Neither country seemed disposed to escalate the quarrel.两国似乎都不愿让争端升级。The quarrel caused her great anguish.争吵给她造成了极大的痛苦。We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.我们和西班牙以及其他国家的人民并无分歧。The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness.争吵令她极其不快。The brothers started to quarrel, each accusing the other of being responsible for the mistake.兄弟俩吵了起来,他们互相指责,都说是对方弄错的。Did he mix in the quarrel?他有没有参与那场争吵? What did you two quarrel about?你们俩为什么吵架?Nobody could quarrel with the report's conclusions.报告的结论无可辩驳。A quarrel between drunken women is an unpleasant spectacle.喝醉酒的女人吵架是个丑恶的场面。It would be foolish to pick a quarrel with him.和他吵起来就太傻了。It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.欧洲若与美国反目显然会有灾难性后果。She didn't want to quarrel with him, but made it plain that she was her own woman now, with her own life to lead.她不愿意和他争吵,但明确表示现在的她有自己的主见,有属于她自己的生活。The quarrel left a gulf between the old friends.那场争吵在老友间造成了极深的隔阂。They seem to be verging towards a quarrel.他们看样子要吵起来了。She did not want to quarrel with Maria today, of all days.偏偏今天她不想与玛丽亚争吵。My only quarrel with this plan is that it's going to take far too long.我对这个计划唯一不满的是它太费时间了。The quarrel quickly festered into factional war.争吵很快变成了内讧。His insulting remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.他的辱骂是激烈争吵的起因。It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。They had a quarrel, but soon made up.他们吵了一架,但很快就和好了。She squared herself with her mother after their quarrel.她跟母亲吵了以后向她认了错。Even the dogs were quiet while the heated quarrel raged around them.他们吵得不可开交的时候,连狗都安安静静的。Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.任何误会都能演变成争吵。I was advised on every side not to quarrel with my boss.各方面的人都劝我不要和老板争吵。It's unwise to strike into someone else's quarrel without being invited.别人不请,你自己插入他人的争吵中去,这可不明智。He's had a quarrel with his girlfriend.他跟女友吵了一架。They tried to drag me into their quarrel.他们试图把我卷入他们的争吵中。I didn't want to quarrel with Tyler over weekend plans.我不想与泰勒就周末计划争吵。They settled their quarrel in a friendly way.他们以友好的方式结束了争吵。After the quarrel Sue remained cold and distant.那次争吵之后,休一直冷淡疏远。We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.我们常吵架,但总是很快就和好了。They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.他们大有理由不同意我的一些选择。A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers.一点儿小事引起了兄弟间一场争吵。I won't quarrel with your version of what happened.你怎么看这事,我管不着。




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