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词汇 qualifications
例句 I agree with his view, with a few qualifications.我同意他的观点,但是有一些保留。You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit.要想得到工作许可,你必须要符合居民资格。British medical qualifications are recognized in many countries throughout the world.在英国取得的行医资格在世界上许多国家都是承认的。With her qualifications, she should fit the job perfectly.以她的资历,应该完全能胜任这份工作。A candidate's character and qualifications are more important than past experience.候选人的品质和资格比过去的经验更重要。Degree qualifications carry international recognition.学位证书获国际认可。You need a few qualifications under your belt.你需要具备一定的资格。I was terrible at school and left with few academic qualifications.我的学习成绩一塌糊涂,离校时几乎没有学历。Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, poorly-paid work.他们没什么资质,一辈子都得做枯燥乏味而且报酬很低的工作。I just took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.我就想当然地认为,必须得有资格证书的人才能申请学这门课程。Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job.她的资历符合该项工作的要求。Their educational qualifications entitle them to a higher salary.他们的教育资质让他们可以拿到更高的薪水。Your qualifications seem to satisfy the conditions.你的资历看来符合条件。Neither man was unmindful that Roosevelt had other qualifications.两人都注意到罗斯福还有其他一些资历。Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。I think I may claim to have practical, and not merely theoretical, qualifications for the task.对于这项任务,我想我不仅仅可以纸上谈兵,而且也有实际的资质。Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.很多雇主都认为实践经验同学历一样有用。British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.英国的行医资格在加拿大得到认可。He left school without any qualifications.他什么学历都没有拿到就离开了学校。His lack of qualifications was taken as a sign of a misspent youth.他资质不足,这被看成是他虚度青春的表现。Leon was unemployed, and had no academic qualifications.利昂没有工作,也没有学历证书。For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job.尽管她有种种资历,她还是不能胜任这项工作。She left school with no qualifications.她离校时没有取得学位。What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?当一名民航飞机驾驶员要具备哪些条件? Are qualifications gained in Britain recognized in other European countries?在英国修习所得的资格在其他欧洲国家是否得到认可?The MP is also innocent of scientific qualifications.该议员也不具备科学资质。The author's experience gave him the qualifications to write this book.作者的经历使他有资格写这本书。Students are becoming acutely aware that they need more than just paper qualifications.学生越来越强烈地意识到他们需要的不仅是一纸文凭。She kept on at him to get some qualifications.她不停跟他说,让他去考取一些资格证书。I am willing to endorse your plan without any qualifications. .我愿意为你的计划背书,没有任何条件。Lack of qualifications is an obvious disadvantage.没有所需的资格是明显的不利因素。She has the qualifications for admission to the college.她具备进入该学院的条件。Your salary depends in part on your qualifications.你的薪水多少会取决于你的资历。You're going to do a job where your qualifications will count.你将去做一项你的资历很能起作用的工作。I felt intellectually superior despite — shock horror — my lack of qualifications.我觉得自己比别人聪明,尽管,天啊,我没有什么资历。If you'd like to be considered for the job, please send us a letter of application that gives your experience and qualifications.如果你想要这份工作,请寄给我们一封写明你的资历的求职信You won't get anywhere without qualifications.没有资历,你会一事无成。Many of those selected lack the academic qualifications to teach.入选者中有许多人缺乏执教的学术资格。He listed the required qualifications for the job.他列出了这个岗位需求的资质。Quite apart from the fact that he has no qualifications, Mr Berry is not a suitable person to work here.即便不考虑他没有资格证书的事实,贝里先生也不是在这儿工作的合适人选。




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