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词汇 put out
例句 It was suicidal trying to put out that fire.试图去扑灭那火是去找死。Several houses had been burnt to the ground when the blaze was put out.大火扑灭时,好几间房子已全部烧毁。My uncle's been put out to grass and now has nothing to do all day.我叔叔被解雇了,现在整天无所事事。The railway lines were said to have been put out of operation by the earthquake.铁路线据说因地震而不能通行。The work was put out to a call centre abroad.这项工作被外包给一家海外呼叫中心。We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.我们应该多放几把椅子,以备更多人的到来。Bill put out his pipe and stood up to leave.比尔熄灭烟斗起身离开。Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender.现在对一些服务项目进行强制性招标。This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.这台小小的散热器释放出惊人的热量。We put out the dustbins on a Wednesday morning before the van comes.星期三早上我们会在垃圾运送车到来之前把垃圾桶放到外面。They put out their sheep to grass every day.他们每天把羊放出去吃草。She plans to put out a new album in March.她计划三月份推出一张新专辑。The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.政府发表了一项声明,否认了这些谣言。He was rather put out by the old woman's pitying tone.他对老妇人充满同情的语气相当反感。He put out his hand to steady her.他伸出手去扶住她。Forest Service crews often discover campfires that have not been put out completely.林务局员工常常发现未完全熄灭的篝火。The ship put out to sea.那艘船离开港口驶向了大海。She was very put out when they turned up two hours late for dinner.他们吃饭迟到了两个小时,这让她非常恼火。The insecticide was put out of the child's reach.杀虫剂放在孩子拿不到的地方。Police have put out a warning about an escaped prisoner.警方已经张贴出一张关于一名逃犯的警示公告。The band put out a statement denying rumours of a split.该乐队发表声明否认关于解散的谣言。You must not be put out at feeling the difficulties.你绝不可因感到困难重重而心烦意乱。We thought the tree was dead,but it put out new branches again this spring.我们以为这棵树死了,可今春它又长出了新枝。This horse has been retired from racing and has now been put out to stud.这匹马已不再参加比赛,现在用作配种。He always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.他总是预备好一碗糖果给孙辈们吃。A lot of translation is put out to freelances.翻译工作有很多是请外面人做的。The chairs we have put out should be adequate for the number of guests we are expecting.我们拿出来的椅子应该足够我们正在等的来客用。The contract was put out to competitive tender.合同付诸竞标。When she said I was interfering, I was a bit put out.她说我是在干涉私事,我感到有点恼火。We put out our recycling for pickup on Tuesdays.我们在星期二把可回收物品放至室外等待收拣。I put out my cigarette and went back into the house.我熄灭了香烟,回到屋内。She put out a statement on behalf of the Government.她代表政府发表了一份声明。Dear, dear, dear, I am sorry that you've been so put out.哦,哦,哦,原来你一直这么生气,我真抱歉。Tenants cannot be put out on the street without a warning.未提前告知不得将房客赶出去。The minister was not put out by the note of impatience in Cohen's voice.科恩的语气有点不耐烦,但部长并没有介意。During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.在这种严寒的天气里,住户们放在外面的食物成了鸟儿们唯一的粮食。He put out his shoulder at football practice.他在练足球时肩膀脱了臼。The call put out by the Prime Minister enkindled our blood.总理的号召使我们热血沸腾。He is never put out by unexpected problems.他从不被突如其来的问题难倒。The enemy's machine gun was put out of action.敌人的机枪被打坏了。




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